Liberals started this mess when president George W. Bush enlisted the technology of drones to wage certain aspects of the war on terror and rights groups began the drum beat. To their dismay, Obama took the drone and made it his own. Suddenly, drones from the government or Amazon are the biggest threat against freedom that we know of......Until now!
The concern over cellphone data collection has turned the invasion of the drones into background noise. Apparently the government has access to years worth of our phone records and may soon have to justify this practice. As a regular citizen, I am torn a bit by this debate. While I realize that power can cause corruption when misused, we simply do not have a department of corruption that we are funding to abuse ourselves. I also realize that if I don't subscribe to the illuminati theory or the area 51 conspiracy than I am just too blind to understand.
For the rest of you regular citizen's like me, this is worth a quick debate. I struggle to feel panic stricken about cellphone records because I don't hold my breath and think about that one call I made that they might find out about. Of course, freedom is much more complex than that simplified example. However, I have to believe that there are other regular old citizens, who make regular old phone calls, and are scratching your head like me wondering why you should care about your phone records, or why you should be concerned that the Google car or the Amazon drone is taking pictures to invade your privacy?

Convention may need to reconvene to pass final judgement
on drones and cellphones because modern warfare has changed the game a bit.
My vote is for whatever makes our kids feel safe, whatever the cost.
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