Thursday, December 19, 2013

Palin, Paul and Cain? You've Gotta Be Kiddin' Me!
I'm watching Herman Cain on FOX talk about the vilification of success and lack of opportunity because of our awful economy as the two biggest problems in America today......huh?  Cain added that "In today's environment, a lot of businesses are not worried about making a profit for their stockholders, they are worried about surviving because of this horrible economy". Translated:  Times are a bit too tight to stick it to the worker like we used to.  Herman, are we also to assume that when happy days are here again you won't stick it to the worker again.  Also, Herman.....have you seen the stock reports lately?  Are we to assume you don't invest?

When FOX is not putting crazy Cain on the mic', they got randy Rand Paul trying to carry the family banner. His non-mainstream ideas work to separate him from the 9% congress,  but he loses his own party with outlandish ideas. Libertarians (left leaning angry Conservatives) are not like Progressives (right leaning angry Liberals).  They have a sizeable party affiliation that demands a Libertarian vote to maintain election legitimacy.  This is code for splitting the conservative vote.
Paul's odd behavior pales to that of Palin the biggest FOX mouthpiece of  all potential presidential candidates.  Sarah Palin is easy on the eyes and hard on the brain.  You have to listen carefully with her Alaskan twang to hear if she is saying anything unique like
Paul or Cain.  Don't listen.  She isn't.

If you let her go too long she will usually say Ronald Reagan republican a few times as though Ronnie is the conservative Messiah.  He is.  Even Rush Limbaugh runs back to some Ronald Reagan republican breakdown when pressed on his true ideology.  For those who didn't know, this means one thing, and one thing only.

Trickle down economics.

That's all, that's it.  John Boehner did to the House of Tea what Reagan would have done long ago.  It may be too late because in the absence of republican leadership, the law office of Palin, Paul and Cain has stolen the spotlight.  Rubio and Ryan are trying, but  unlike Paul, they don't have Libertarians to save them from that  9% approval rating.  If you don't have a good message, you had better have a good messenger.  As we wait on Chris Christie and Ryan/Rubio (they will run together) to grab the republican message, we will have 2 more years of the ObamaCare scare and liar liar pants on fire as the campaign slogan for conservatives.

I gotta stop watching so much FOX news.

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