Saturday, December 7, 2013

Danger!! Obama In Trouble With Young Voters

          From time to time as Republicans attempt to reconcile how they could allow that cool brother Barack to beat them twice for the race to the house, they tend to grasp at straws.  Here is the latest.  Polls say that Obama is not seen as favorably with the young people creditted for electing him.

       Trouble in politics only matters when it impedes elections.  No matter how many people have changed their view of the president, he is fine because he doesn't need the youth to vote for's already a law. He won't even need them for the immigration bill which is already at the point of congressional approval but is being held hostage by congressional obstructionism. If the real question is whether or not they will sign up for healthcare, then I have a few ideas.

       It seems curious that a segment of society that rarely takes part in elections which really matter, would take part in agenda driven polling that ultimately doesn't mean much. Only young who are already engaged in the process would care to engage in this poll. And yes, these are the same young people who probably thought it was groovy (do we use that word) to elect the 1st black president. This poll and article seems to suggest that young people who could get healthcare on their own (not sure who these people are) will not get it in protest against our President. There seems to be this flawed notion that young people could afford healthcare in the past put preferred to play Russian roulette with their health. If they have insurance now, what would be the reason to refuse more Affordable Care.

       85% of Americans have insurance through the job and 10% who could not afford insurance are now getting it for free. The rest (or the 5%) are the personal insurance market people (whatever age they might be) who could afford insurance and have it now, or could not afford it and used Robitussin for every ailment and/or have huge medical debt as a result. Young people are just like old people (just less sick). They would buy insurance if they could afford it. Every person in this polling should have been asked, how knowledgeable were you about health insurance prior to the ACA law and are you more knowledgeable now then you were then? The deception of perception is the latest political tactic being used against a president who wins...... a lot.

       The ACA has provided access to both healthcare and misinformation.  As a result, we still remain ignorant about healthcare and health insurance overall so our opinions are being developed from media soundbites. Most polls serve no real purpose other than developing an agenda driven narrative, and filling the down time in the news cycle. Besides. The only people who could benefit from this poll (Republicans in Congress) have polling numbers that are significantly worse than these. The President's trouble (and that of the Dem's) has to be balanced against the alternatives that exist. If all polls are created equal (which they are not), then the trouble in congress far exceeds the heat currently on the White House.

       This entire poll could be capsulized into one idea. Do young people hate him enough just to stay away  so the R's can win this time? Republicans are like the little kid who gets busted doing bad stuff and starts to tell on everyone around him in order to make himself look better. We recognized that behavior then and we certainly see it for what it is worth now. The effort is designed to diminish the impact that Obama might have on 2014 elections since his lame duck status forces him into the role of campaigner and Chief.  The stench of the 'do-nothing congress is forcing the confuse and distract tactic into early action.  If the new law just so happens to work well, they hope to have erroded the "Trust Gap" neutralizing the impact president Obama could have on key races.

       Typically America maintains a balance of power within the 3 prongs of government. On occasion we elect one party majorities, but we understand the risk and fight to avoid them. The impact of the most 'do-nothing' congress in history should force America to move against this unbreakable gridlock. What we don't know is what the move will look like.  Along the way, if you hear the term ObamaCare transforms itself back into the Affordable Care Act than I would suspect that Republicans are on the ropes.

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