Thursday, December 19, 2013

For Believers Only: What Would You Do If You Knew You Couldn't Fail? (pt.1)

I used to think that Faith was the opposite of Fear.  Now I see that the opposite of Fear is Peace and Faith is simply the bridge.

My favorite book!
When someone asks you the question of what would you do if you knew you could not fail how would you answer that for yourself?  Most of us will fondly imagine what we WANT in life (which is a different problem for a different blog) and then quickly rewind ourselves backwards towards all the reason's we don't have all of the things we want in life.

If your answer is full of external excuses, I extend my heart to you in prayer.  If your answer is simply fear like most of us then we should all take just a moment (right now) to denounce this spirit.................Amen!

My atheist readers need not run away, because fear does not discriminate, nor do the promises of faith.  The reason I love God so much is that he loves us no matter how mad we get at him.  In other words, the promises of faith encompasses everyone who walks in it, believer or not.

What does walking in faith look like.  Action.  Movement.  Doing the thing that you would do if you knew you couldn't fail instead of waiting for a sign, or whatever fear makes us wait for.  Faith looks like peace in the midst of the greatest turmoil.  As you take the first step away from your fear, faith will be the bridge that carries you towards your peace.

If what you are doing isn't destined for a sense of peace with life, do something else....SquareBiz

Next Post (The Lord Is My Shepard......I Shall Not Want) (pt. 2)

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