Socialism is both necessary and dangerous. If I were Monarch Obama, I would add to ObamaCare free, or highly subsidized education in exchange for the GRADUAL dismantling of the inefficient systems of reactionary socialism that we call welfare. Frankly, healthy and educated people are typically strong contributors to a society, and the mere existence of our current system of welfare is shameful and a blight on America- one we should work to make it go away.
I used to believe that to be educated and healthy made us self sufficient. The truth is, no one is self sufficient. Even the ones who think they are tend to take their welfare from the government in April and not each month like medicaid/food stamp/welfare recipients. I have come to realize that being a strong contributor does not make any of us "self sufficient" because on some level or another, we will always need the positive collective programs socialism provides(i.e. roads,military, schools, emergency response, a government option in healthcare and in banking to competitively regulate both industries better). We wouldn't be the United States of America if unity was not a necessary part of the equation, however, sitting on the shadowy side of unity is the demonic reality of what we are all up against.

Do you know why it is so hard to stay married? Because marriage and family are so vital to the future of humanity. If you aren't spiritual and do not believe that evil forces are at work to divide marriages, and thus families, then I will not be able to convince you that evil has a vested interest in dividing America, the worlds beacon of hope. A divided and polarized (code word for labeled) America threatens the entire worlds existence. Our labels are only helping evil out.
The two party divide is so intense in America that we have a version of it growing within one party. As a Christian, I get it. True conservative doctrine, as defined by President Limbaugh, does not allow for compromise with liberal air space, much less liberal ideology. If you even smell of liberal air(sorry Chris Christie.....their rules, not mine) you shall be battered and bludgeoned in favor of a properly labeled conservative........who probably can't win a general election.
To all who follow HIS spirit be warned. Religion has become a conservative crutch for intolerance. The word denomination is code for disagreements that spawned another church. Sarah Palin calling the Pope "somewhat liberal" is all the proof you need that conservatives have claimed religion so much as their own, they can't relate to the liberality of Grace. Why do we need so many Christian labels? Did Christ really come to have several thousand interpretations of the simple Gospel of Grace? (another blog...another day)

Do you know why it is so hard to stay married? Because marriage and family are so vital to the future of humanity. If you aren't spiritual and do not believe that evil forces are at work to divide marriages, and thus families, then I will not be able to convince you that evil has a vested interest in dividing America, the worlds beacon of hope. A divided and polarized (code word for labeled) America threatens the entire worlds existence. Our labels are only helping evil out.
The two party divide is so intense in America that we have a version of it growing within one party. As a Christian, I get it. True conservative doctrine, as defined by President Limbaugh, does not allow for compromise with liberal air space, much less liberal ideology. If you even smell of liberal air(sorry Chris Christie.....their rules, not mine) you shall be battered and bludgeoned in favor of a properly labeled conservative........who probably can't win a general election.
To all who follow HIS spirit be warned. Religion has become a conservative crutch for intolerance. The word denomination is code for disagreements that spawned another church. Sarah Palin calling the Pope "somewhat liberal" is all the proof you need that conservatives have claimed religion so much as their own, they can't relate to the liberality of Grace. Why do we need so many Christian labels? Did Christ really come to have several thousand interpretations of the simple Gospel of Grace? (another blog...another day)
Labels are the tool of division and serve only to allow us all to retreat to our corner of righteous indignation. Humans are just as flawed as the political and religious ideologies we dream up. The notion that any one of them is purely right and righteous enough for us to impose on each other is arrogant and dangerous.
While Obama's liberalism did not stop him from using a conservative plan to create ObamaCare, conservative disdain for government does not stop them from taking government tax credits or using loopholes in the code every year around April, although some are claiming that they won't take a healthcare subsidy. If I claim to be a socialist but wish God wasn't kicked out of our schools so that we could have an LGBT club instead, is there a label for me? Are there no LGBT Christians? I hate labels......All of them!
While Obama's liberalism did not stop him from using a conservative plan to create ObamaCare, conservative disdain for government does not stop them from taking government tax credits or using loopholes in the code every year around April, although some are claiming that they won't take a healthcare subsidy. If I claim to be a socialist but wish God wasn't kicked out of our schools so that we could have an LGBT club instead, is there a label for me? Are there no LGBT Christians? I hate labels......All of them!
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