But this is a problem that exists within our community. Because you are from our community, everybody believes that everybody is supposed to be identical to one another and we can’t exercise any kind of versatility or range in our thinking.
It’s a problem that we have to deal with.
Stephen A. Smith
So let me see if I get this. It is not a problem for black people to dislike you for your loud mouth, for your constant need to set the black athlete straight about the nature of the economy of sports (which is similar to America's economy)? We can dislike your criticism of Tim Tebow and near mockery of his faith, but if we dislike you for your politics, it is a cultural problem? Newsflash! Liberals dislike all self righteous conservatives and it is for more than their unproven trickle down theory. If you choose to be on the opposite side of a political argument to many of your color, why isn't it as trivial in the end as your daily sports disagreements?
I don't hear Stephen A. arguing over people's dislike of his sports takes as though it's a social problem. Stand by your convictions and quit crying. There is no problem with others thinking you sold out unless you create a problem. Is there a problem when your kids dislike you for not letting them stay out past midnite? Not if you truly believe it is what is best for them. The problem only occurs when you start doubting yourself.
If you want to see dislike, watch what kind of dislike occurs if you start ranting a liberal agenda amidst all of those conservative rich folk that you undoubtedly rub shoulders with. I am sure it is easier to see their side when you join it, but it should not drive your principles one way or the other.
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