Monday, November 14, 2016

Dave Chappelle Says "Give Trump A Try". But Why?

Nobody is happy that president-elect Trump used every raw wound in America to run a campaign of toxicity that incited his own while suppressing the rest.  Although his supporters seem to be, they are only happy they won. They denounced all the toxic parts of our new president weeks ago before voting for him anyway. Why be so mad at his supporters when they told you they would "Make America Great Again" with their crotch grabber just like We promised to be "Stronger Together" behind fear mongering Clinton?

Chappelle and I not only look alike. We think alike too.
When I started chronicling this campaign, I said some time ago that one person didn't want the job and the other didn't even get in it to win. Today, I slightly modify that view.

While I won't fully abandon my theory of Hillary sending Trump to dismantle and mangle the GOP field for her, I am more inclined towards my belief that Trump, Hillary, Obama and I (plus many of you) are all really no different politically. You might have come from a christian evangelical church root like Hillary, Obama and I, or you might be simply respectful of religion while terribly skeptic of its motives like Trump and I are now, but most of US have found a way to love our churchy family and friends just like we love our LGBTQ friends and family too.

By percentage, very few of us really want to jail women who get abortions, nor do we want to arrest our undocumented neighbors. Even the people who say they want all of that don't want the regulatory state or the cost of making it happen. What they want is enough personal income opportunity to not care about the undocumented people and what they might be taking away from them, like they used to be able to do.

WE- those who aren't doing the deplorable dance all in the face of the skeptics- are enraged by the extremity of how far Trump went to win the White House while ignoring his sanguin relations with Russia (is it so bad that they get along?) and how their relationship contradicts the extremity of those God-awful nuclear war commercials Hillary kept running to scare us into giving her the job.

My Modified View of Things 

My signals say neither of these long time friends really wanted the job quite as much as they didn't want to lose and endure the embarrasment of losing. They both ran afraid to lose and reacted to one another like scaredy dogs, not cats since cats have 9 lives and fight with confidence. Trump seems to be the man of many lives, but he's really just the bombastic old guy who finally listened to the regular folks and answered back with hope and change.

How do I confirm my view of things?

No prospective winner would ever delegitimize his own post like Trump did realizing that he would (and still will) need the electors that he crucified to elect him president. Hillary, on the other hand, could not have believed herself a truly worthy winner while relying on NOTHING but fear of Donald to do it.

Donald peddled fear too but we've already established that he was afraid to lose. He was poised to become the poster child for "afraid to lose" politics if our fear of women and status quo politics did not far exceed our fear of him. We could try to complain about low voter turnout, but that's more status quo politics too, so deal with it or fix it.

With those truths rising to revelation, I'm less and less sorry that the grandma- who's taken lots of bullets on the battlefield of politics- lost to the grabby grandpa who was virtually bullet free going in to all of this.

One of these days we simply need to accept that the rich are just too rich not to look out for the rich. If we think tax breaks for them won't remain the only truly republican idea, then we enter the negotiation confused.

Can WE meet ALL goals with tax breaks for everybody? Only if we have the kind of sustained GDP growth that accomplishes stuff like that. Whether we can raise boats without the rich raising theirs or the poor getting drown should no longer be a body of water we tackle in such a fashion.

The travesty of the republican blockade of Obama is that he's always been one of them and their block of him was only one of princple. Our economy would have already reached president-elect Trump's promised goals if not for this over abiding republican principle.

The Principle?

Losing Sucks!

Now, the former republican party has won. They lost everything else including their identity and control over their own agenda and electorate, but they didn't wake up on the day after the election getting autopsy report questions from the media, questions only reserved for the losers.

Republicans still need an autopsy now that the GOP (Grand Ole' Party) seems to be the Generally Old Policies party. They'll need a whole new list of policies to identify themselves by, but they get 2-4 years to realize it fully if they choose not to accept it now.

In that time, how much so-called republican stuff can you accomplish when your number one task is fixing universal healthcare?  For goodness sake, could there be anything more non-republican than universal healthcare no matter what name you replace it with? And for goodness sake, if you have something better than universal healthcare, can you give it more details than just the word REPLACE?

The campaign stuff, except for rich people tax breaks and repatriation of rich people's off-shore money, will be challenged by more than an ideological congress, it will be challenged by means of rallies and riots. Those rallies and riots are so certain, that they've already begun as a way of pre-warning president-elect Trump about the risk of trying to govern like he campaigned. These rallies and riots are likely to go on for several more days if Trump can't reassure people that his Gestapo for rounding up immirgrants was kind of a joke.

Under his republican anti-regulations rhetoric, president-elect Trump has threatened to free up the banks so they could go back to the stuff they did before Wells Fargo got busted. Wells Fargo, however, got busted and fully revealed what happens when bankers are automatically assumed righteous, so even that bill won't be regulation free. If there is something else uniquely GOP, anything else, let me know?

Aside from their new mantra for an old plan, 'a rising tide raises all boats', which offers a wetter scenario for common folks to relate to- the same common folks who don't own a boat or never got wet while waiting on the trickle down rains of old- the republicans have nothing. Not even an explanation for how to replace a socialist healthcare system with anything other than a better name and a firmer hand on the insurance industry, code for regulatory measures that nobody seems discouraged by except the health insurers themselves.

I'm thinking on some of these things and becoming more resolved with seeing the potential good from president-elect Trump because I also recall the last days of the great civil rights leader Martin Luther King. I recall the fact that MLK moved away from his version of Black Lives Matter by realizing that ALL poor people bear a similar plight.

Are You Helping Too?
With that in mind, there really is very little that Donald J. Trump, our president-elect, can do for the poor people in the rust belt that won't help me and you too.  If a president can fix poor peoples problems anywhere, sit back and watch how much those changes positively impact blacks and browns.

Assuming the poor whites, alt-rights, regular right and center left whites are asking for the exact same realized relief that progressive democrats have been wanting. The only difference now will be 
"What Makes It Happen"? 

An America that is fed up and crazy enough to elect Trump, that's what could make it happen. His selection alone is a 'cut the bullshit' mandate, because he's the only person that ever really claimed he could fix so much of it, whatever it might be.

Even if he can't fix it, at least it could be worth watching him try. If he can fix it, it would be even better to give him a hand.

I'm looking for ways to help.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Can Trump Change America's Fear Into Hope?

What started out as a wall building joke is no longer funny.
First of all, I would like to apologize to all women for our significant fear of you. Many of you are significantly afraid of yourselves, but that's a conversation for another post.

Hillary Clinton- for all the good she's done and all the cracks she keeps putting into that dreaded glass ceiling- earned that ass kicking Donald Trump gave her last night. You can blame misogyny or Comey or whatever Russian Wikileak you'd like. The bottom line is that Hillary Clinton hoped like hell that WE were way too afraid of that pussy grabbing outsider to ever take a chance on someone never elected to public office before.

The same populist movement that elected Donald Trump
will now be anxiously waiting for certain dividends that
will pit him against his own kind, the rich and powerful.
In the end, she ran a race on fear with commercials feeding into the fear we should have of Donald's decision making, or lack thereof. In the end, she was dead wrong.

Not that she was wrong about Donald.....sorry, president-elect Trump's dastardly ways. She was wrong to use them as a way of stoking the fears of human beings. Fear might be a motivator of sorts, but it is most commonly known to invoke hesitation and doubt, not clear-eyed certainty.

To Trump's.....sorry, president-elect Trump's credit, his campaign of fear was not one that he needed a television ad or any real effort to sell. After all, WE have long since doubted the intentions of the Washington elite, and he waged a campaign of retweeted anger that did nothing more than tell US what WE already felt enough to tweet.

Nothing is sweeter than the sound of your own name or being retweeted, and president-elect Trump used the oldest sales tool in the book to display the art form of negotiation and close another deal.

He listened.

Hillary Clinton spent way too many days wondering how in the hell she was so close in a race that she should have been winning in a landslide while ignoring the fact that she barely beat Bernie for the nomination and never really convinced the Berners that she was really interested in what mattered to them even while desperately needing them to show up at the polls.

In reality, she was terribly interested but listened to the wrong voices (insiders) and took an early victory lap when she decided to drive the down ballot bus instead of focusing on her own. All the pollster deserve the same ridicule I'm leveling at Hillary, but none of them were running for the highest office in the land, and the successor to a president MANY did not consider their own and said so, over and over and over for 8 years straight.

Forget about President Obama's approval ratings right now. Those were one part Michelle Obama and two parts disgust with the two candidates campaigning to succeed him.  Pollsters might have been dead wrong about president-elect Trump's level of voter enthusiasm, but they were totally right about the lack of it for Clinton. She tried to ride the enthusiasm of everybody in the world including Jay-Z and Beyonce in the final days, but no surrogate could transplant their charm into her.

I'm not thrilled about getting someone other than who I circled on my ballot, but I was never going to get the person I preferred anyway.  He (Jeb Bush) got rubbed out early on in the same name smearing fashion that finished off Hillary too.

Will Paul Ryan live to regret opposing
Trump?  Will Hillary Clinton?
The more I reflect on my journey in this election, I recall the question I had a year ago. Why would someone who is able to do so much good around the entire world while making shitloads of money from speeches- in between spending lots of precious time with her grandkids in the waning years of her life- be willing to give all that up for a job she knows is not really that cool anyway?

Hillary Ran For US.

I'm not happy for you sad or afraid voters, but I'm thrilled by all of those quiet people who either didn't vote or didn't take it seriously with that silly write-in name you chose.  Their lack of comical posts right now speaks volumes to the impact this election shall have on all of those who quietly hoped the rest of US could elect Hillary while they maintained the role of sideline ridiculers. Some of you really petty people are more than happy to pretend to relish in your Illuminati theory of the whole system being rigged, but even you thought the system was rigged for the insiders, not pussy grabbers.

I will be more thrilled when WE all get to see what happens when you try to push forward Wall Building Acts or Infrastructure Bills given the reluctance of congress to invest in anything worthwhile. Maybe they were just blocking Obama for 8 years and now understand that they will get Trump'd too if they aren't listening to the voice of America. And maybe president-elect Trump always realized that he was proposing non-republican populist stuff that America is looking for him to achieve, and must now truly roll up his sleeves to get it done. Either way, we are now wide awake and fighting for a front seat at the table of this divine civics lesson we are receiving.

No Trump TV?

President-elect Trump has a 100-day plan promise that involved implementing term limits on the same people he will ask to pass the bill. It involved finally fixing our failing roads and bridges (I guess you can pork-barrel a wall into that bill, but then Mexico doesn't pay for it), and dealing with the income disparity in whatever way first-time presidents who used to run businesses do it.

If he can do it, he and WE are all the big winners. Until he does, even the winners are losers with a difficult mandate ahead. Both insider parties are losers too as Trump systematically proved WE are tired of them all. Both republicans and democrats needed total reconstruction and will be putting out new autopsy reports soon enough.

As for today's true winners?

Saturday Night Live, CGI and Chelsea's children.

God Bless America, and president-elect Trump.