Friday, May 27, 2016

Why In The World Do They Call Hillary Clinton Evil?

Full disclosure.
Why exactly do you want this job again?

I am the person who originally wondered why in the world Hillary Clinton would know as much as she knows about the difficulty of the presidency and still seek the post.  I am that guy who never felt that breaking the glass ceiling was a reasonable enough reason for Hillary to seek to lead the free world while doing it.

I am fully concerned, and hardly convinced that this is the perfect person for the job.  Given the nature of our world, I'm concerned that men hate women worldwide even more than Trump does here in America.  To be effective in her role will be a challenge greater than her skill for negotiation and compromise.  Much like Barack Obama did, her uniqueness will threaten existing power structures into a greater sense of fear and loathing, and a stronger stand of opposition against her than the one they made against Obama.

I totally get the stand against Hillary for president.

What I don't understand is why there is not a legitimate substantive debate against her instead of this incessant "Evil Hillary" nonsense that is founded in nothing legitimate.

Actually, I am not confused about it all.  In the absence of substantive policy conversations, it becomes necessary, almost vital to play like The Donald and drop insults with no substance.

This is one of the nice Obama devil pics
 Insults like those that Photoshop created for the past 8 years of the Obama presidency.  When it became clear that most of Obama's policy decisions had a decidedly right wing lean to them (domestic oil production, RomneyCare 2.0, TPP), the problem with him had to be made more personality driven.

If you trust modern social media, Obama needs to complete his term as president so that he can resume his rule over the Illuminati.  Republicans might have cornered themselves into oblivion with all of the fear bating, but the downside of obsolescence is that you no longer have anything to lose.

Trump and the Trumpians are using any means necessary to win
The GOP has relegated themselves into a segmented party without a true identity.  If they have one, it now belongs to the Trumpians, supporters of Donald Trump who helped to wipe out a huge field of political competitors, by any means necessary, excluding of course by means of sharing policy, plans and details that is.

By any means necessary politics has been known to call Ted Cruz "Lying Ted" and Marco Rubio "Little Marco" for reasons we really don't need to bring up again.

By any means necessary is exactly the approach that is now being deployed against Hillary, and it' feels just like the Obama is a devil claims.

So...are women truly evil?

There really is no major effort needed to sell the notion that women are somewhat crazy and maybe even downright evil.  To levy the charge of "that evil Bitch Hillary"- which is essentially what you folks are saying about her- as a means of running off people who are already leery of women in leadership to begin with, is low-brow, by any means necessary politics.

Why do these evil charges have no merit?

If you look at the only topics that seem to lead this claim of evil, they were all done under the guidance and leadership of men who WE've conveniently forgotten or disregarded. The beef with the mass incarcerations from the Clinton years and the reverberating memories of the word "Super predator" places the blame on the president's wife...not the president himself or even Bernie Sanders who was in congress at the time and voted in favor of the crime bill too, as did many liberals.

The issue with Benghazi or even Libya disregards the fact that every decision made in both scenarios, was at the accountability of the president, not the Secretary of State who has no authority to act without presidential consent.

If Muslim minister, Louis Farrakhan, has a sincere problem with our killing of his Libyan friend Mohamar Qaddafi, he should take it up with Obama, not Hillary. But he's not.  Instead, he'd rather post videos convincing us all that Hillary must be evil because.....because.

Actually, this evil claim has no foundation for existence and needs to stop.  It is low-bar sexism at its worse, and it's an instant reflection of our unfounded fears of a women and worthy competitors. No, many of us do not feel comfortable with women in leadership, reflected in our corporate boards and our wage disparity.  For whatever reason, WE just don't think women are worthy.

WE didn't really think that black men were worthy of being president either, but two elections with an apparent rejection of white male alternatives has made it clear that the WE who decides elections is never fully reflective of US all.  Dylann Roof, Obama bashing, Black Lives Matter, Trump and now evil  Hillary claims have all revealed to US all that WE have quite a way to go on issues of gender, race and equality.

WE've never fully overcome like the song promised we would during those long arduous marches for freedom.  In reality, WE've thrown dirt over the exact issues that now make the Unites States of America the most socially divided accumulation of human beings on the planet, with money, power and influence overtaking gender and race as our key dividers.

I'm not discounting the natural demonic depiction that becomes every president eventually, or the power and inspiration of Photoshop alterations to prove our modern claims of evil.  What I am discounting is this decision to demonize Hillary simply to disqualify her in advance.  Even Obama avoided the label until after he won and suddenly posed a real threat to those who doubted that he really could win in the first place.

Obama Did It!!

Blame Obama for this one too if you must.  Two terms of a black man have made it abundantly clear that we will not simply go back to white men for fear of everything else.  WE are willing, ready and prepared to be lead by a women president, and Hillary is as thoroughly qualified for the job as ANY candidate that has run, maybe ever. Much like racism against blacks, she has had no choice but to be twice as good just to make it half as far.

What can not be ignored is that she has a history of legal issues, alongside her husband, that leave her with question marks on trustworthiness and integrity. But she also has a consistent history of working hard for children and families of America that just doesn't disappear because her opponents yell Benghazi or evil Hillary so much.

She is a woman of principle and motives, and she appears to be the best of what WE have left to choose from.  If Trump is actually able to behave so incredibly devilish throughout this campaign, and Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, something so many  have long since considered evil, how exactly is it that Hillary keeps coming out on the internet as the only evil candidate remaining?

It's because she is winning, likely to win, and because she is a woman.  Just as the black man in me did not idly sit by while folks called my president a devil without cause, the father of 5 women in me does not appreciate this cheap attempt to disqualify a woman on the age old claim of being an evil witch.....or worse.

Because Hillary never ordered a hit on ambassador Stephens, or got caught cheating on Bill, this belief of her being genuinely evil comes exclusively from her gender.

I thought WE were better than this. 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Bernie's Running For President But From Socialism

I heard a recent commentator remind us how presidential candidates used to be sought out. Now, political candidates seek out the presidency like a flashback to high school politics. As if being head boy or girl is equivalent to staring down Putin to make him deal with Syria before you do.

Senator Bernie Sanders started a revolution of thought that might have made him the only remaining candidate that was sought out for the post.  His poll numbers justify that idea thoroughly in that no candidate comes close to competing in a head to head with Bernie.  If the real reason that Mr. Sanders remains in the game, despite the hoops and hurdles he must navigate to win, is because he is the only candidate that can soundly secure the presidency, he is doing a noble thing.
Can Bernie actually run as a
Democrat but preside as a Socialist? Who
becomes a part of his bill making coalition?

Noble because campaigning is grueling on candidate and family.  Any real reason to doubt your prospects is a real reason to spare your family the strain and struggle of fighting from behind.  That is the reason most candidates bow out expeditiously. At some point when fighting from behind, you are mathematically needing to eat the whole pie- or most of it- while your opponent continues to get their fair share of bites.

Like a puppy in a litter, you simply can't eat fast enough to get all of the food, even if you are the bully of the bunch.

Sanders is not a bully, but he is trying to bully his way into a process that wasn't made for bullying.  In the end, he must convince the superdelegates to change their mind about Hillary and to cast their support behind the best chance Dem's have at winning.

Hillary can claim a lot of positives, but her approval rating and head to head polling against Donald are not among them.  She is stuck between needing Bernie and his support, and needing him to shut up already at the same time. Without the volume of voters that Bernie can inspire to turnout on her behalf, the republican party might have just enough Obama anger to energize their way back  into the white house.

If the real mission is to simply keep Donald Trump away from the presidency, I'm starting to get confused by Bernie and his pathway problems.  Not the problems he'll have procuring the lion share of the remaining electorate just to block Hillary's path, but the problem he and his surrogates keep having and declaring with the process and it's rigging's.

I hate to find myself lambasting my brother Bernie once again because we Socialist really do need to stick together.  Not that we are a dying breed.  On the contrary. Capitalism is simply way too notorious for attracting the slime of the world for any clear eyed young adult to view it without some skepticism.  Old folks like myself have been fairly brainwashed into our position on Socialism, so there really isn't a lot you can do to change that. We grew up with parents whose parents fought the last great war in this world, and they left that experience thoroughly convinced that we must draw a line.

Socialism bad.  Capitalism good.  

Our generations have the images of Mikhail Gorbachev and Nikita Khrushchev on the television screen and magazines.  TIME magazine had me fairly convinced that the odd birthmark on Gorbachev's head was surely as sign of something evil.  When President Ronald Reagan declared that he must tear down that wall, the world came to some odd sense of comfort that the age old Cold War had finally come to an end.

In reality, our nuclear race between the former soviet union was not a Cold War at all. In reality, the Cold War was always one that we've been fighting with ourselves.  The fear of the rise of the proletariat has been embedded into the psyche of old folks like myself and older.  Our generations read Karl Marx as a warning of something demonic and dangerous, not as a warning of what happens when Capitalism is not given the kind of balance that it demands.

Bernie Sanders is nothing more than the voice of the proletariat that Marx promised.  And surely, just as forewarned, they are fed up with economic imbalance and want to point a finger and find a fix.  If you're looking rather closely, Trump has quite a few proletariat's himself, except they are pointing their fingers at different causes while complaining about the EXACT SAME PROBLEM.

Some think Donald Trump can fix it while others believe he'd be more of the same since he's been rubbing elbows with the same candidates that we've grown weary of trusting. Candidates like Hillary Clinton in fact.  She is a notorious insider who has just a few points of favorability (42% versus 39% ) over Trump, probably only because she doesn't intentionally offend people on a weekly basis- but that is the only reason.

As  a result of these dismal polls on the two remaining front runners, Bernie Sanders now has a really interesting decision that he needs to make for himself and his so-called party, seeing as how he's Democratic Socialist running under the Democrat flag.  Sanders must fully legitimize the manner in which his party chooses a candidate and legitimately use it to whoop Hillary's ass in California and give the party a SERIOUS reason to believe that he can secure enough of the kind of voters that represent most of America.

Sanders has won plenty of state caucuses to fully justify remaining in this race.  What he hasn't won is more primary voters than Hillary or diverse populations like New York or California, places vital to victory for any Democrat candidate.

As a result of what he's doing absent the tailwind to justify doing it, the process itself has been brought into question- by Bernie himself no less. Process, meaning those superdelegates that are free to do what they want.  They (superdelegates) must want Bernie over Hillary for Bernie to be the Democrats nominee. But Sanders does not need them or any party just to secure more votes in a general election than Trump or Hillary. The numbers say that he could do that now, yet not from the inside. Bernie must come to grips withe the fact that either it's okay that superdelegates exist (without them, Trump might have run as the Democrat he truly is), or they need to go away right away and not be courted as a legitimate pathway to the presidency for Sanders.

The real point is this.

What if you actually win Bernie?  In essence, you will be declaring that an unfair game just unfairly flipped in your favor as you proceed to happily use it to achieve your presidential aspirations. Will you lambaste it similarly if you actually win?  In fact, by courting superdelegates while besmirching the process, you are offending them and asking for their support all in the same campaign speech. The integrity to insist that a system is totally unfair and must be changed, but then say their remains a pathway to make it work for you- so stay with me supporters- is beyond odd, it is disingenuous and destructive to the party you are asking for support from.

Bernie is the first candidate in the history of our political system with a legitimate shot at winning the popular vote over both of the two-party options, forcing the Supreme Court to figure out what the hell happens next when the laws are written to cater to the these two parties against the rise of another.

By all means, Bernie Sanders should press on to the convention and make his claim for the portion of delegates (super or not) that he truly deserves.  Trump and Clinton are just as flawed as the numbers say they are and every attempt to tell US that they are actually something different and better than what WE already know of the two is kind of pissing me off.

Yet, I'm much more enraged by my brother Bernie who wants his cake and wants to eat it too.  When Marx described the rise of the proletariat, he might not have anticipated the two-party counter efforts from those who've feared their arrival ever since he warned of it.  Like it  or not, the Two-party system was, and is, made to resist that rise.  Either accept it and overtake it nonetheless, or shut the hell up and run as a third party candidate.

Stated more succinctly.  Be a damn socialist Bernie or not.  You can't run as a democrat and not accept the full implications of that choice.  Since I am totally convinced that Sanders has not the courage to actually blow the whole thing apart and run third party, I am a mad Socialist who wishes he'd just shut up and stop helping Trump.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

My Brother Troy Brewer: The Only Real Broncos Fan

I tried really hard to write some cool post about the upcoming season and the prospects for a team that is fresh off of winning a Superbowl, but much like last year, nobody has Denver coming out on top again except my brother Troy.

That's right.  Unless your name is Troy E. Brewer (aka., TC from the MOB), you did not expect this team to win Superbowl 50 until 20 minutes after it was over and the truth was no longer refutable.  Those of you who think ANY Superbowl champ is just lucky are still in a state of shock over it all, and the new season is just around the corner.

Only my brother Troy had the Broncos winning it all, but truth be told, he has Denver going undefeated almost every year, which usually has him sounding like that boy who cried wolf.

Like that boy, eventually Troy was right too. While we never got the rest of the story about that wolf crying boy, if my brother Troy is an accurate example, I would imagine that many of the villagers went back to being skeptical about the boys claims. No, they didn't alter the wolf sighting system one bit as the boy continued in his unique role of being the ONLY ONE WATCHING out for wolves. Skepticism, however, does not die so easily.

When wolves or wild Broncos ransack the village, they briefly grab attention but can't hold it captive for some reason.  Maybe it's the pompous skepticism of once great men, like those 49'ers or Cowboys who think they control things they haven't even touched in the modern era of civilization or sports. These Broncos have seen the mountain top and understand the climb. They've built a team perfectly capable of finishing this expedition again. Yet, even in the face of strong reasons to believe, people form opinions that they would rather not stand down from until they have little choice.

Because the Broncos have lost more Bowl's than they've won, we all have choice and opinions about them.  Maybe America prefers 4-12 or 8-8 and a playoff loss? Denver may never be America's new team, but can we acknowledge the recent history of success of the Broncos organization, or must we excuse their full throttled control of national news every year since Tim Tebow played, as luck or something else?

Not that any team would choose to willingly let go of a moniker so bodacious as America's Team. Disregard, if you can, that large parts of America never watched America's Team win for America since their last championship predates the Internet. Nonetheless, Dem Boys insist themselves to be "America's Team" even while most of America is Google searching pictures of when Dallas was a perennial winner instead of a putting any real championship hope in a scrambling Tony Romo who is one injury away from being the excuse for 4-12 again.

As Dallas fans insist that America could care less about those destructive Broncos because they are waiting on Dem Boys to return to championship form, keep in mind that few teams in the NFL have won as many games, division and conference titles- or championships- as the Broncos have since America's Team last won a title. New England has reason to stake a claim over the NFL since they've won 4 titles (1 more than Denver) after 1995 (the last Cowboy championship).

That's right.  You 20 year olds who play Madden football video games don't really know John Madden or the days when Dallas actually won championships.

Maybe even the Steelers should drape their curtain over Dallas with 2 championship wins in this century and the most of all time. Both Steelers and Cheaters fans are among the skeptics unwilling to acknowledge that a wild bucking Bronco could crash the village again, running away with the valuables as they've done on 3 out of 4 attempts post '96.

3 Superbowl victories don't outweigh the distrust that friends and foe alike have developed from the Denver Broncos 5 losses, forgetting that 8 times now Troy was right- the wolf was truly at the gate of the village. One more appearance will establish Denver as the wolf to fear the most giving the Broncos the record for most times having stormed the village.

Our skeptical Broncos fans enjoyed winning a title.  Sort of.  What they don't enjoy is being the laughing stock of Superbowl losing appearances, or the anxiety of it happening again.  Elway removed some of that stigma when he could play, but Manning brought it back in spades while falling short in every season as a Bronco including last year's Superbowl victory in which he barely did enough to not hurt the defense or shame his family name. In an odd way, it felt like Elway had done it again for this team, especially to the anxiety filled whose emotional instability proves their level of confidence and their true opinions about the potential outcome.

People don't enjoy being wrong in their opinions even when their opinion spells doom to their own team. Essentially, that amounts to most people being happy to never or rarely play for a title instead of being the Buffalo Bills or the Minnesota Vikings, or the Denver Broncos, whose losses have become fodder for ridicule and humorous memes.

Actually, Cowboys fans seem perfectly fine with being wrong because they keep creating those memes to discredit winning teams while longing for the day they get to meme their first playoff win since they haven't had one during the era of meme's.

I expressed my own opinions of doom against the air force Broncos, not the ground control team that won the Superbowl. I also proudly boasted when my opinions bore fruit. Actually, the Manning air force refused to simply die and go away while that ground control team never remained around long enough for anyone to know if they would show up when it mattered the most. So, even I had to wonder which team would be there in the end. In hindsight, uncertainty might have been a major key to our Superbowl victory.

In hindsight, Troy wasn't selling wolf tickets about the Broncos. He always expected his team would show up when it mattered. To believe his team could win every game has never meant that they couldn't be challenged, it only meant that they were perfectly capable of meeting every challenge, be that injury or free agency.

 Most of us knew Brandon Marshall has been taking over for Danny Trevathan for a couple of seasons, starting right at the point of Trevathan's knee injury two years ago, and is actually the leader of the defense that made Trevathan and his rebuilt knee expendable. Troy, on the other hand, probably watched and remembers Marshall from college or earlier, and likely expected him to become the player he is now. He probably even told us so, but no one really listened to him before. Like many fans, Troy occasionally over estimates the efficacy of his own draftees, but he was Mel Kuyper before Mel knew we needed him. His love for this team and the acquired talent exists because he knows and follows the players much closer than most. Always has.

When Troy got a new football helmet as a toddler, I recall him jumping out of our brother's bathtub to go try out his Floyd Little moves in the front lawn.

No, he did not put his clothes on first.  Just the helmet.

Has he been picking the Broncos to go undefeated since Floyd Little ran on our fields inspiring a streaking football fanatic toddler?  Why yes he has.  At least in his heart.

The rest of us Broncos fans need to acknowledge that John Elway, and his cast of characters wearing Orange and Blue, shocked everyone but Troy.

Fully loaded teams rarely repeat, so the history doesn't point to any new reason for the Broncos to win with Butt Fumble Sanchez or some first year dude as their new quarterback. Although most skeptics will tell you that they are not picking the Superbowl 50 winners to do a darn thing this year either- since Superbowl winners don't usually lose a quarterback or two en route to a repeat- most peoples expectations are exactly the same as they were last year, mainly because we all hated being so wrong about Elway, Coach Gary Kubiak and the Broncos before.

                                                      ..........QUITE LIKE TROY

This is my bro Troy.  Don't disrespect his big head.  Maybe
that's where all of the football knowledge is stored. #DB4L
They proved EVERYONE but Troy to be either totally wrong or thoroughly skeptical. We ALL doubted everything he told us the Broncos could do up until the final buzzer proved us wrong and him right. We could relent and acknowledge that we had no clue, while Elway and Troy did, but who does that?

I will.

I will stand down from my measured mediocrity predictions of this year and last, because it is only rooted in my lingering doubt of a team that shocked us and defied our expectations to begin with. They couldn't even finish the last game with anything predictable except defense. Yet they won, and they continue to chisel and form this defense under the watchful hands of a coaching staff that's only had one year to put it's fingerprint on things, but still molded this team to the top of the heap.

For this team to take a big step backwards means the coaching staff had no clue and didn't pull off
miracles by marrying two opposing offensive concepts into one. Stepping back means they'll have a harder time without Manning forcing the entire offense to learn said two concepts. The evidence says otherwise. The evidence says that Denver will be cleaning up their offensive approach and clarify everyone's role more than they did en route to winning it all.

So Today I join Troy, the driver of the real Broncos bandwagon. Not with that annual undefeated wolf crying prediction, but with the full fledged, genuine endorsement of this team and its championship belief of themselves. Given the history and the results, my Denver Broncos are as likely as a Patriot, and much more likely than Dem Boys to steal another one from the Steelers and come out on top again.

If the Cowboys fans can actually justify their optimism after 4-12 and a failed offensive line that they hope can keep Romo upright and make lanes for a rookie runner, why should Broncos fans be more worried?.

Pulling off the impossible with minimal expectation removes the need not worry, because you've already completed the impossible. To the average NFL fan, the only thing more implausible than last season will be Denver's even more unexpected repeat. When you hop on the proper bandwagon, you don't worry either because you discover that to true champions, the unexpected suddenly becomes beyond plausible. It's expected. This team won because they couldn't imagine losing, kinda like Troy, the Real Broncos Fan.

So drive on big bro.  Until further notice, you and Elway are the only people who seem to understand this football business, and you both have me and this team convinced of our prospects for the season ahead.

Monday, May 2, 2016

One Way Or Another, Those Lazy Milleneals Will Determine Who Becomes America's Next President.

Was the emergence and anticipation of Elizabeth Warren for president the red carpet that Bernie Sanders used to initiate the populist revolt that has turned American politics upside down? Populism is a easy description of all of this because it fits the narrative we wrote in anticipation of capitalism's demise and socialism's rise.  What few have accepted is that those leading this wave of populism are also those who missed the Cold War and don't appreciate everything capitalism has accomplished.

Much like all things in hindsight, there is perfect clarity upon experiential analysis.  With eyes now wide open, Sanders. who we all wished had been Warren instead, should have simply remained under the democratic socialist label that he clearly feared when he chose to dump it to run as a democrat. He was unlikely to dismantle the two party blockade to win either way, but the agenda of a democratic socialist is different than that of the party he chose to run under. By scrapping his true label, he beholds himself to the party cause of winning an election, not just fulfilling an agenda.

Yet, as he currently insists on the right to press on, listing reasons other than winning to justify the choice, the potential to help improve the democrat party is among the main reasons he says he won't discard his agenda and quit the race.

Quit the race, or quit lying to yourself, Bernie?

I'm sorry, but with all due respek (teehee), Mr. Sanders is not a democrat.

He is a somewhat proud socialist who believes in invoking the democratic process to his variety of socialism as a means of implementing socially healthy socialist and capitalist programs.  Nobody fully understands his plans to break up the big banks, or how he'll democratically redistribute taxes, because the assumption he provides with the intensity of his revolutionary rhetoric is one of a socialist agenda applied with pressure, not established in a conciliatory way.

Donald Trump, the GOP populist candidate,  really doesn't come off as a conciliatory negotiator either, but anyone in business and everyone close to someone who is in business understands the win win of deal making, so they assume what is vital for being successful in business is also translatable to the business of being president. Trump appeals to intentionally ignorant folks or really smart folks who play ignorant when they fill in the blanks and clean up the mess in their minds each time Trump speaks.

Speak bad about milleneals if you will, but they are clearly the only ones not fooled by this dude.

I'm currently confused as to whether or not the apparent apathy of the generation called milleneals is healthy for our democracy in ways we've not quite understood.  While we pretend to desire wide reaching participation from the general electorate, the movements milleneals have made towards things that mattered to them- first Obama, now Bernie- has forced everyone to recognize the immense risk of agitating these young folks into action.

Milleneals may catch a lot of heat for a lot of apparent apathy and not holding doors open for others, but the 99% movement, Black Lives Matter, Bernie and the Hell No To Donald movements have all been ignited by milleneals.  Some look at that list with contempt, but only fools look at it without the respek (sorry) they've earned. These movements are headline grabbing, and headlines create the type of attention that creates change. For better or for worse, any actual movement towards better wages for all must be creditted to milleneals.

Those who support the mainstream Stop Trump movement need to recognize how useless and dysfunctional it has been.  In fact, that mainstream movement might be the fuel that feeds his growth since republican voters are insisting that they need change too. Both parties are hearing the exact same message since Clinton has yet to prove that she will inspire our youth to do for her what they did for Obama and what they are trying to do for Bernie with $27 donations.

Disregard the milleneals at your own peril.  They have the collective power to show up and dictate the direction of this election, or stay home and make the whole damn thing a total crap shoot on election day.  Polls show Trump and Clinton way too close for statistical comfort while Sanders destroys any candidate that the GOP can muster up. Why?  Because milleneals will clearly show up for old man Sanders, not for Aunt Hillary.

Who Doesn't Love Aunt Hillary?

Aunt Hillary is the recently unleashed embracing of the age and disconnection of Hillary Clinton instead of pretending it doesn't exist.  Even Barack Obama has started his surrogacy for Hillary by making humor of her age disconnect in the midst of his comedic monologue at his final White House Correspondence Dinner recently.  

From the appearance of things, Aunt Hillary- wary of who caused her to get beat by Obama- is now trying to bake some cookies and put out some milk to entice milleneals to embrace her in a different way. Trump, the ever observant media watcher, is hoping to expose her for every hustle she tries, especially the woman card.  As for old age pandering, Clinton, Sanders and Trump all must accept age as their shared shortcoming since each is in their late 70's. Bernie is the only old person with milleneal support, so in some ways, he might actually have a right to demand the nomination.

Our three real selections for our future president are each going to be in their 80's if they live to complete one or two highly stressful terms as president, much less survive until November given the grueling demand of campaigning to become a party nominee, and each are at the mercy of millineal consent. We've seen millineals move in many ways lately, so we know they can show up.  If they choose to stay home as a political statement, it will be just as impactful as if they actually show up to make a different statement.

Love them or hate them, our lazy millineals are speaking with a resounding voice. Ignore them at your own demise.