Much like all things in hindsight, there is perfect clarity upon experiential analysis. With eyes now wide open, Sanders. who we all wished had been Warren instead, should have simply remained under the democratic socialist label that he clearly feared when he chose to dump it to run as a democrat. He was unlikely to dismantle the two party blockade to win either way, but the agenda of a democratic socialist is different than that of the party he chose to run under. By scrapping his true label, he beholds himself to the party cause of winning an election, not just fulfilling an agenda.
Yet, as he currently insists on the right to press on, listing reasons other than winning to justify the choice, the potential to help improve the democrat party is among the main reasons he says he won't discard his agenda and quit the race.
Quit the race, or quit lying to yourself, Bernie?

He is a somewhat proud socialist who believes in invoking the democratic process to his variety of socialism as a means of implementing socially healthy socialist and capitalist programs. Nobody fully understands his plans to break up the big banks, or how he'll democratically redistribute taxes, because the assumption he provides with the intensity of his revolutionary rhetoric is one of a socialist agenda applied with pressure, not established in a conciliatory way.
Donald Trump, the GOP populist candidate, really doesn't come off as a conciliatory negotiator either, but anyone in business and everyone close to someone who is in business understands the win win of deal making, so they assume what is vital for being successful in business is also translatable to the business of being president. Trump appeals to intentionally ignorant folks or really smart folks who play ignorant when they fill in the blanks and clean up the mess in their minds each time Trump speaks.
Speak bad about milleneals if you will, but they are clearly the only ones not fooled by this dude.
I'm currently confused as to whether or not the apparent apathy of the generation called milleneals is healthy for our democracy in ways we've not quite understood. While we pretend to desire wide reaching participation from the general electorate, the movements milleneals have made towards things that mattered to them- first Obama, now Bernie- has forced everyone to recognize the immense risk of agitating these young folks into action.
Milleneals may catch a lot of heat for a lot of apparent apathy and not holding doors open for others, but the 99% movement, Black Lives Matter, Bernie and the Hell No To Donald movements have all been ignited by milleneals. Some look at that list with contempt, but only fools look at it without the respek (sorry) they've earned. These movements are headline grabbing, and headlines create the type of attention that creates change. For better or for worse, any actual movement towards better wages for all must be creditted to milleneals.
Those who support the mainstream Stop Trump movement need to recognize how useless and dysfunctional it has been. In fact, that mainstream movement might be the fuel that feeds his growth since republican voters are insisting that they need change too. Both parties are hearing the exact same message since Clinton has yet to prove that she will inspire our youth to do for her what they did for Obama and what they are trying to do for Bernie with $27 donations.
Disregard the milleneals at your own peril. They have the collective power to show up and dictate the direction of this election, or stay home and make the whole damn thing a total crap shoot on election day. Polls show Trump and Clinton way too close for statistical comfort while Sanders destroys any candidate that the GOP can muster up. Why? Because milleneals will clearly show up for old man Sanders, not for Aunt Hillary.

Aunt Hillary is the recently unleashed embracing of the age and disconnection of Hillary Clinton instead of pretending it doesn't exist. Even Barack Obama has started his surrogacy for Hillary by making humor of her age disconnect in the midst of his comedic monologue at his final White House Correspondence Dinner recently.
From the appearance of things, Aunt Hillary- wary of who caused her to get beat by Obama- is now trying to bake some cookies and put out some milk to entice milleneals to embrace her in a different way. Trump, the ever observant media watcher, is hoping to expose her for every hustle she tries, especially the woman card. As for old age pandering, Clinton, Sanders and Trump all must accept age as their shared shortcoming since each is in their late 70's. Bernie is the only old person with milleneal support, so in some ways, he might actually have a right to demand the nomination.
Our three real selections for our future president are each going to be in their 80's if they live to complete one or two highly stressful terms as president, much less survive until November given the grueling demand of campaigning to become a party nominee, and each are at the mercy of millineal consent. We've seen millineals move in many ways lately, so we know they can show up. If they choose to stay home as a political statement, it will be just as impactful as if they actually show up to make a different statement.
Love them or hate them, our lazy millineals are speaking with a resounding voice. Ignore them at your own demise.
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