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Why exactly do you want this job again? |
I am the person who originally wondered why in the world Hillary Clinton would know as much as she knows about the difficulty of the presidency and still seek the post. I am that guy who never felt that breaking the glass ceiling was a reasonable enough reason for Hillary to seek to lead the free world while doing it.
I am fully concerned, and hardly convinced that this is the perfect person for the job. Given the nature of our world, I'm concerned that men hate women worldwide even more than Trump does here in America. To be effective in her role will be a challenge greater than her skill for negotiation and compromise. Much like Barack Obama did, her uniqueness will threaten existing power structures into a greater sense of fear and loathing, and a stronger stand of opposition against her than the one they made against Obama.
I totally get the stand against Hillary for president.
What I don't understand is why there is not a legitimate substantive debate against her instead of this incessant "Evil Hillary" nonsense that is founded in nothing legitimate.
Actually, I am not confused about it all. In the absence of substantive policy conversations, it becomes necessary, almost vital to play like The Donald and drop insults with no substance.
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This is one of the nice Obama devil pics |
If you trust modern social media, Obama needs to complete his term as president so that he can resume his rule over the Illuminati. Republicans might have cornered themselves into oblivion with all of the fear bating, but the downside of obsolescence is that you no longer have anything to lose.
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Trump and the Trumpians are using any means necessary to win |
By any means necessary politics has been known to call Ted Cruz "Lying Ted" and Marco Rubio "Little Marco" for reasons we really don't need to bring up again.
By any means necessary is exactly the approach that is now being deployed against Hillary, and it' feels just like the Obama is a devil claims.
So...are women truly evil?
There really is no major effort needed to sell the notion that women are somewhat crazy and maybe even downright evil. To levy the charge of "that evil Bitch Hillary"- which is essentially what you folks are saying about her- as a means of running off people who are already leery of women in leadership to begin with, is low-brow, by any means necessary politics.
Why do these evil charges have no merit?
If you look at the only topics that seem to lead this claim of evil, they were all done under the guidance and leadership of men who WE've conveniently forgotten or disregarded. The beef with the mass incarcerations from the Clinton years and the reverberating memories of the word "Super predator" places the blame on the president's wife...not the president himself or even Bernie Sanders who was in congress at the time and voted in favor of the crime bill too, as did many liberals.
The issue with Benghazi or even Libya disregards the fact that every decision made in both scenarios, was at the accountability of the president, not the Secretary of State who has no authority to act without presidential consent.
If Muslim minister, Louis Farrakhan, has a sincere problem with our killing of his Libyan friend Mohamar Qaddafi, he should take it up with Obama, not Hillary. But he's not. Instead, he'd rather post videos convincing us all that Hillary must be evil because.....because.
Actually, this evil claim has no foundation for existence and needs to stop. It is low-bar sexism at its worse, and it's an instant reflection of our unfounded fears of a women and worthy competitors. No, many of us do not feel comfortable with women in leadership, reflected in our corporate boards and our wage disparity. For whatever reason, WE just don't think women are worthy.
WE didn't really think that black men were worthy of being president either, but two elections with an apparent rejection of white male alternatives has made it clear that the WE who decides elections is never fully reflective of US all. Dylann Roof, Obama bashing, Black Lives Matter, Trump and now evil Hillary claims have all revealed to US all that WE have quite a way to go on issues of gender, race and equality.
WE've never fully overcome like the song promised we would during those long arduous marches for freedom. In reality, WE've thrown dirt over the exact issues that now make the Unites States of America the most socially divided accumulation of human beings on the planet, with money, power and influence overtaking gender and race as our key dividers.
I'm not discounting the natural demonic depiction that becomes every president eventually, or the power and inspiration of Photoshop alterations to prove our modern claims of evil. What I am discounting is this decision to demonize Hillary simply to disqualify her in advance. Even Obama avoided the label until after he won and suddenly posed a real threat to those who doubted that he really could win in the first place.
Obama Did It!!
Blame Obama for this one too if you must. Two terms of a black man have made it abundantly clear that we will not simply go back to white men for fear of everything else. WE are willing, ready and prepared to be lead by a women president, and Hillary is as thoroughly qualified for the job as ANY candidate that has run, maybe ever. Much like racism against blacks, she has had no choice but to be twice as good just to make it half as far.
What can not be ignored is that she has a history of legal issues, alongside her husband, that leave her with question marks on trustworthiness and integrity. But she also has a consistent history of working hard for children and families of America that just doesn't disappear because her opponents yell Benghazi or evil Hillary so much.
She is a woman of principle and motives, and she appears to be the best of what WE have left to choose from. If Trump is actually able to behave so incredibly devilish throughout this campaign, and Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, something so many have long since considered evil, how exactly is it that Hillary keeps coming out on the internet as the only evil candidate remaining?
It's because she is winning, likely to win, and because she is a woman. Just as the black man in me did not idly sit by while folks called my president a devil without cause, the father of 5 women in me does not appreciate this cheap attempt to disqualify a woman on the age old claim of being an evil witch.....or worse.
Because Hillary never ordered a hit on ambassador Stephens, or got caught cheating on Bill, this belief of her being genuinely evil comes exclusively from her gender.

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