Thursday, June 26, 2014

Three Months After Surgery Tiger Roars Back Into Competition

Tiger Woods' back?

Not a particularly funny pun given the recent return of Tiger to competition following back surgery 3 months ago. If Tiger had his druthers, he might've delayed this return until the British Open.

Why doesn't Tiger have his druthers?

Because he is MJ to golf. Sure, Magic and Larry and Isaiah and Barkley did their part to elevate the game just as Arnie and Jack did what they could for golf. Tiger, like Mike, blew the cap off the hinges. I golf incessantly, and I can gladly report that EVERYONE is golfing now.

You can no longer stereotype who is and who is not golfing. Courses all around are easing long standing traditions like attire and general etiquette to accommodate the ignorant masses golfing to uncover their inner Tiger.

Tiger has changed the game for good, but game changer's get rewarded with a unique set of rules to follow as a result of their evolutionary behavior. To become MJ, Michael Jordan had to complete the circle. In an amazing swoosh of global proportion, Mike became by doing what seemed impossible at the time. Some of Jordan's best fans were critics when he played.

Who was amazed that Miami didn't 3peat?  The odds on Tiger breaking 18 majors should be even money with the history he's made and the time he's got to make more. To overcome Arnold Palmer, the man with a refreshing drink named after him, he had to be other worldly. To put the Golden Bear in his rearview mirror will demand the kind of stuff that breeds skepticism. Even Tiger fans find themselves wondering if the impossible is possible. Afterall, "who does that"?

Tiger Woods not only does that, he does this:  30 miles of running every week. Even during a tournament; even with knee problems; even when he doesn't feel like doing it.  When Tiger announced his long time workout regimen during his now infamous return to play presser, we all should not have been as shocked as we were.

In our feeble minds and bodies, we simply grow to believe that Tiger, Jordan and all the mega greats are blessed with special skills that the rest of us don't have. That skill is simply work ethic and drive. Though they perform so artistically, it's the work ethic that makes space for the artistry to be seen.

Tiger's ethics also have him playing a few weeks too early because this tournament is for his youth foundation. Speaking of youth foundation, Tiger is no spring chicken anymore and youth is no longer the foundation of his approach. What he used to be able to do with ease will demand more wisdom and discretion. If Tiger experiences a physical set back because, once again he has pressed beyond the limits of wisdom and discretion, he will have failed the first exam

To me, all of this is so funny because the beauty of golf is using the fade away when situations demand. If Tiger is developing a fade away it's because he's can't dunk like he used to. If this hoop/golf analogy had someone defending the hole it would be more sensible. Tiger has every shot in the arsenal but chose to dunk the ball more often than not. Now, Tiger is talking about adding strategy to the explosive game that already has him teetering on all time greatness.

Tiger Woods is back alright, but he might be a guy we've never met.

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