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There is no question she might run and it's really possible she wins. The question is, Why Bother? |
Nonetheless, the trend in politics and in the news streams that follow, has been to litigate the Hillary case before she gets to do it for herself. In essence, the hope is to define her for America, as though we have no preconceived notion of who she is, or that the one we had was ill-conceived.
When Hillary was just an ex-Secretary of State who was looking for a little relaxation (and distance) from the sins of her years beneath Barack Obama, she caught a few darts here and there, but achieved the seclusion and peace she sought. As she postures to become president, her sins are resurfacing. Some of these sins were ones of commission, but most are destined to be sins of kinship as Obama opponents race to sully his record and muddy Hillary in the process.
Because she is Hillary Clinton, the 2nd half of a two part political machine with partner and husband Bill, referring to her on a last name basis is beyond confusion. Hillary is her own lady and a political machine in her own right. The Clinton family took it on the chin against Obama and then insured he got a second term. Without them, President Romney would still be explaining why ObamaCare and RomneyCare are different. She is certainly a part of the world famous Clinton's...but she is Hillary, the most powerful Clinton of all.
She is the most powerful Clinton because she offers the key back to the White House (does the White House have keys?) Through her, the Clinton agenda can be furthered in a powerful way. What that agenda was during their last stint in the Oval Office is still a matter of much debate. What it has become in the days and years since has become more clear. Clear enough for the Clinton family to become world wide power players. CGI (Clinton Global Initiative) has become a brand for corporate humanitarian outreach. Hillary's recent foray's across the world have given her a deeper capacity, and sensitivity for world affairs, as well as the gravitas to demand influence abroad.
As President of the United States of America, Hillary could design the Clinton global identity into the office she would possess. The capacity to alter how we influence world events would forever be changed by president Hillary Clinton. She has an opportunity like no other woman in recent times, to change the forecast for women everywhere, in America and around the world. Hillary could kick the ball up the road a bit further on issues of gender equality, and she even might offer something that often gets quieted at crucial moments in history, a woman's perspective. If she only didn't have that Congress thing to deal with.
No person is ever functionally qualified to assume the office of the President of the United States of America until years after you get the job. Without a second term, it is hard to really dream of accomplishing much as a president. Hillary is the greatest exception to that rule. No one in modern history is more aware of the nature of this job than she is, haven seen it from several angles. In fact, without doing any research (not much needed here) she will have seen this role from more angles than any human ever (Citizen, First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State), assuming she wins the job. Her resume is ironclad, but it is also framed and publicly displayed so that anyone can take their best shots at it.
Although their aim is a bit awry, republicans have let off a bunch of rounds at Hillary. Yet, up until lately, the angle of attack has been Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, and you are a friend of Obama. The moment Hillary's friend captured the guy who is believed to have masterminded the Benghazi attack, opponents quickly said he was a small fish (of course) and scrambled to come up with a new angle of attacking Hillary.
The new angle?
Today, Hillary is being attacked for being rich. I said they were scrambling, but in the scramble they decided to pull out the video called "The Assassination of Mitt Romney". Being too rich to be sensitive was the first card played in the hand against Hillary.....and it worked. Hillary stumbled over her wealth like a pile of money left behind in a dark room and forgotten until you returned into that seldom used room. Hillary sat that pile of money in the room along with a bunch of pictures of her and nerdy Bill and Chelsea from back in the day. She even framed copies of the lawsuits she and Bill faced that broke the bank as they left office during his presidency. It was called her sensitivity room and she got the idea from her good friend, comedian Dave Chappelle.
Chappelle told Hillary to remember where she came from because whether you are rich or poor, people who oppose you will search for any reason (that you give them) to bring you down. Chappelle also told Hillary to always respond to her wealth in one way, and one way only:
"I'm Rich Biatch!!!"
Okay, Chappelle may or may not have shared his philosophy with Hillary. Chappelle may not even agree with the philosophy, but he did tell the world "I'm Rich Biatch" and made NO apology for being rich. When Hillary tripped over that mountain of money, she gave an opening to opponents who had little to work with up until now. How rich opponents will extend this line of attack into an effective campaign approach against Hillary is a bigger mystery, but for now, they don't have to worry about all of that because she has not declared herself a candidate. The current line of attack on Hillary is nothing more than an attack of the shadow she is casting upon a race that is months from getting under way.
Not everyone likes Hillary. Not everyone should. She should be vetted and investigated and questions should be asked and answered about any would be president. Just because Hillary has glared at the man in the oval office from so many angles doesn't mean she can endure being the woman with all eyes on her. She needs to prove to us that being the first woman president is something she can handle, with the duty of just being the president ever looming. These are the things SHE must see, from her own perspective, as essential aspects of the road she might travel.
WE must realize that congress, and America, is broken beyond recognition, possibly beyond repair. Political extremist' might be on an agenda of ruining the process so much that they win control by default. Hillary could expand her fingerprint across the world and further the Clinton social agenda by assuming the office. Beyond that, what is there really to gain. She is not too old for the office (Reagan was older) but she might be too old for the bullshit. Who would want to waste some great years of life with kids and grandkids, while playing cowboys and Indians (I didn't say Redskins) in Washington D.C.?
Hillary Clinton and the entire Clinton family are to be commended for their dedication to public service. Yes, it has made them rich, as it should for every person who gives of themselves in this fashion. Is their any person, regardless of party affiliation, that wouldn't take any ex-president at your commencement? Speaking engagements cost money and ex-presidents can make a boat load if others care to hear what you have to say. Its while in the role of president that they CAN NOT make a lot of money, or gain a lot of appreciation, or get a heck of a lot done ANYMORE.
Hillary might run for president.....or she might just say,Why Bother?
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