The problem with guys who win elections despite being known as pedophiles or pussy grabbers is that WE elect them, they do not elect themselves.
I could end this post there and add a background to make it a meme, but Alabama has an opportunity to be better than America was. Alabama, the unofficial ambassador state of racial division, is now expected to do something that the rest of us in America failed or succeeded at, depending on the side you stand.
No matter which side you stand, the truth is that WE allow sexual depravity from men so pervasively that women start "me too" campaigns to try to shine a light on just how pervasive this problem really is. I call it a problem realizing that way too many people decided that it didn't matter enough to vote for a Democrat or a woman instead of against the problem, so maybe it isn't a problem at all. In essence, some voted for "more of the same" instead of "me too" as it relates to where their sympathy lies. The recent stories of Congressional lawmakers molesting and paying off women are staggering to the point of investigation worthy, Jeff Sessions.
Hopefully, former Senator and current Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, was able to fill America's justice department that he leads with the most race and gender-sensitive white men in America because white men represent 81% of what you will find in a group photo of Jeff Session's staff.
Blacks represent zero.
I do credit Sessions, however, for being very reluctant to investigate Hillary Clinton. In part, because I am fatigued from the women bashing of late, but mostly because it would speak poorly of our post-election politics if retribution became a norm. On the other hand, Sessions is just as shaky as the rest of the GOP on calling out the pedophile from his home state of Alabama.
This is not to say that some Republicans haven't treated potential victims with the reverence of innocent until proven guilty like we tend to do for their abusers only, but the Republican party in Alabama continues to fund their pedophile Senate candidate, Roy Moore. Win or lose, Moore's deeds become reflective of the character of every person who finds his actions acceptable enough to elect him. But they also reflect on those of us who didn't fight hard enough to stop him just as Donald Trump reflects on every American that couldn't figure out a way to stop him from becoming our national shame.
While we tend to hold Trump to task for so many failures, we have to take a moment a think about the wave of opposition we've seen against him, and the diversity we've gained in politics across the board by virtue of our passions to stop Trump in his tracks.
Virginia's recent election results might be a great sign of the voice of that opposition, but Virginia ain't Alabama. For Alabama to either elect a Democrat or mobilize to elect a write-in not named Roy Moore would be, in both cases, unlikely. Moore is mostly reticent to step away because he understands the divided state he represents and believes that Alabama is Moore in favor of a Republican pedophile over any Democrat. He is mobilizing to put that catchy phrase on a yard sign as we speak.
This is that moment of integrity for Alabama that comes on the heels of electing our last ass grabbing accident. Alabama has an opportunity to do what Moore wants or place principle over politics and send a resounding message to their daughters.
It would be a nice message to their sons as well.
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