If what we have happening in our schools, and theaters, during a live remote on the morning news and now Paris is not terror, then I wonder what the survivors who walked away alive call it?
For some reason, we'd prefer to think of middle eastern Jihadists as the only face of terror because its not so glamorous to search for terror's face and keep finding mirrors.
We have known for some time that ISIS has a significant number of European nationals and even a few Americans as well. The infamous Jihadi John is (or was) a British born terrorist of Kuwaiti ancestry.
France is reporting their recent killers to be of Syrian decent, but the final report is yet to be discovered. Each of these killers could have migrated to France for the sake of terror, but some of them could have already lived there or born there similar to the Charlie Hebdo killers. Assuming Paris is now the home of home grown Jihadists, American terror too has ample examples of home grown terror that pre-dates today's crisis in Paris or the theater massacre in Aurora.
Apparently, seemingly sane foreign killers causing terror for religion or politics versus our own presumably crazy sons that we keep raising and grooming to kill us one day is some consolation to this nightmare for some.
Personally, I can't see it.
I also can't see how Jeb thinks his brother or any other president has kept us safe with the nightmare of domestic terrorism seemingly a weekly occurrence. Or how "taking it to them" (ISIS) will uncover the places they exists or the places that they can go. Genocide of terror sounds comforting, but no one has figured how to destroy an ideology with weapons of war.

Sometimes terror will be foreign born killers who make their way onto hostile soil in order to do harm to the Western way of life wherever it rests comfortably. Mostly it will be native born citizens with free and unfettered access to kill.
This is a war against Western comforts and sensibility, and it is being waged on many fronts. When next it happens in America, we will hope that it is one of our own again instead of the likes of ISIS or some other political terror group. If it happens abroad they will hope its ISIS instead of the homegrown variety that we prefer over the mere thought of foreign invader terror.
I would simply like to remind those who won't be ducking any bullets soon, that survivors of terror really don't care to qualify their fear of our diminishing freedoms, even as overly anxious news reporters stick a microphone in their face and demand that they do.
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