Back here in America, 31 Governors of this great nation have decided to publicly announce a block of any Syrian refugee's into their states in the wake of a potential Syrian connection to the ISIS claimed massacre in Paris.
Disregard, if you can, that temporary Visa's are somewhat easy for any European to get when seeking to set foot on American soil. Forget as well that any state in this union offers instant and unfettered access to every free human being that lives in any other state. Blocking Syrians from 31 states would only work to keep those 31 states from the potential economic benefit as America vets and scrapes the cream off of the top, taking the best of Syria's migrants. Between this blocking of Syrian's and the decision to block Medicare expansion, GOP governors will soon be notorious for two of the worst economic decisions in the history of state politics.
Let's advance our American imagination right into the realm that France is now, taking a State of Emergency vote that could soon allow them random search and seizure rights as well as other emergency infringements upon the rights of its citizens. If what we fear is really worthy of the concern that some have expressed, WE the People should be arming ourselves against this fear just as some American's say WE should.
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What will Freedom look like in the future? |
Home Of The Free.........Land of The Brave?

If our best hope for safety is the hope that WE never have to use the gun that is hiding on our hip, then why carry it? If you really anticipate having to thwart terror before you finish a lifetime in America, aren't you leaving home with the real acceptance of being the dead victim of terror or worse, a mentally or physically wounded survivor of it?
When the day comes that we choose to arm ourselves just to go to the grocery store- or we plant some pistols in our schools so children can learn without worry of gun play- we can choose to call our way of life anything that sounds reasonable.
Just don't call it freedom.
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