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Hillary is currently the only woman Donald has not tried to destroy. Is he saving it for later? Don't republican women have a problem with this? |
What we know about American politics has been shaken to the core. First, by two terms of a Muslim named black president, and currently by the total inability to connect the dots on what will happen tomorrow.
Will Bernie "the Socialist" Sanders really keep rising in the polls as Hillary and Trump remain the most hated and likely candidates to represent their party in a general election?
Trump gets away with being utterly offensive towards key segments of the republican electoral path while Hillary gets beaten and battered for reasons we might take years to ever agree about cause we'll be too busy beating her still.
Will she eventually get the positive impact of all the negative press that she's getting when voters have to stand in a ballot box and decide who can actually handle the rigors of the job, realizing that an adversarial media is among the greatest of all human hurdles?
Sort of.
More accurately, the press is proving themselves to be one part journalist' and two part predators of sensationalism above substance. Like the way in which they've clung like stink to crap on the story about The Donald who dared to describe another presidential candidates facial features as a reason for her inability to preside.
Did Donald actually say that Carly Fiorina's mean mug and pursed persona makes her less capable of leading others?
No, but I GUARANTEE you that had Donald declared such a thing about any man, the automatic question that would have followed would have been:
"Do you feel that his facial features will hinder his ability as a president"
That question never came. During the interview or in post interview analysis of what he said or what he meant while trying to clean it up.
What also didn't happen....again, is the expected drop in poll numbers that would connect the dots between the behavior and the response that says Americans, primarily republican American women, care about electing a misogynistic president.
Did I just call out republican women?
Actually, all women- including my wife and 5 daughters and my momma, and grandma- are unfortunately squarely in my line of sight today because the more and more we really take a true examination of the REAL war on women (and it is a real war, rather you like it or not), some of the combatants are lobbing grenades at themselves from both sides of the battlefield.
Sorry ladies. I say this with all of the due respect and humility that a male feminist represents. The mere notion is an oxymoron and nearly moronic if you think about it. How can the slave master pretend to be interested in ending slavery while benefiting from free labor and idly watching the systematic brutality that insures the future of the program?
Our women are victims of men. They are victims of our inability to understand their core motivations. Where men failed to fulfill the role of leader/provider, women have done what was necessary. Changing your duties doesn't necessarily change your core motivations but it will expand your capacity to do what otherwise had been expected of others.
Is it proper for women to be in leadership roles?
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Is Nina Turner too passionate for her own good, or is she willing to sacrifice anything and everything for the cause of justice? |
Today, we still don't trust women to be smart enough about their own reproductive choices. "What makes them think we need legislative daddy's to tell us what to do. We are grown 'A' women" said former state Senator Nina Turner of Ohio on Saturday's (9-12-15) MSNBC's Melissa Harris Perry Show.
In her always passionate refrain, Turner added, "If your hair is on fire, make like your hair is on fire" responding to the tacit response that women often choose to avoid the risk of agitating the fearful masses and risking their own existence.
Her words inspired me to wonder why I always run to the television when Nina Turner speaks, but don't necessarily feel the same heat from other women who undoubtedly feel the same burn Turner has.
To be Square and fair, black folks do this towards black folks and every group of challenged individuals picks sides in the struggle to either embrace or reject their plight.
Not just black on black crime, I'm talking black on black criticism, or white looking Mexicans who denigrate those who cruise and low ride during Cinco De Mayo.
I listened to an interview with Dr. Damon Tweedy, a black doctor who recently describe how one elderly black patient rejected him as a doctor feeling that the hospital had passed the inferior black doctor upon an unwitting black patient. (NPR interview)
Self hatred examples are ample, but y'all women really need to do some reckoning. Not because you are the sole cause of the problem, but because you are the focus of the change. Men can Lean In, but we have to bend our posture towards the cause of happiness for the women in our world and in our lives.
We know that our drunk and disgruntled daddy can do a lot to help cure the damage of our childhoods that we carry into our adult lives, but the real work is personal. Sometimes drunk daddy isn't ready to help you in the healing. Yet heal you must.
We've always known that women are notoriously skeptical of other women relative to the issue of rape. When it comes to Bill Cosby, I don't really want to tell you the lack of universal disgust among women, even in my house.
Donald can get away with being an ass because he knows what we all need to come to grips with. Women are as tough on women as anybody. Maybe worse at times.
Had Hillary's assistant been Anthony Weiner and Weiner's wife was caught sending naked pictures on a phone, goofy looking Weiner would be a hero of sorts, especially if the nude woman involved was his rather attractive wife Huma Abedin, whose nude photos would only draw criticism from other women judging the size or the amount of firmness in her breast', or the presence of stretch marks if she's had children and/or a weight control issues.
This demand to be beautiful could also be blamed on men, but it loses its impact among wise women who know that men are attracted to ALL types of women, especially confident ones.
Whether she's elected or not, Hillary is going to win in the court of public opinion just because of the perseverance she gaining vis a vis this media butt kicking she's bravely enduring . She won't get it from The Bern, who is too nice to go there, and Joe Biden is hoping that this email thing will hurt her instead of help her as it ultimately will when it comes time to actually vote for just one of these candidates on either side of the isle.
Americans notice the attacks, but not more than the camera which has a way of focusing itself over and over upon the person who eventually gets the nod.
Is Hillary Struggling With Women Too?
Hillary not only needs to actively court the support of women, she needs to actively court the vote of black women like Michelle Obama, Nina Turner and the 6 that are in my immediate family (all will be voters in #2016).
While a coalition of black voters can be inspired to get out and vote by the Obama voter turnout machine, who they vote for (especially in the primary races) could be a mixed bag without some necessary female guidance.
Some aspects of that guidance will need to softly inspire that segment of society that only a soft spoken black woman can push into action. Other parts will need to go Nina Turner all over this nation to inspire those people who only listen when passionate, trustworthy black women like Nina Turner challenge you with her vision and values. Does that represent a form of my own male self hatred? I won't pretend not to be more cautious around a smooth talking man versus a loud but loving lady.
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Does Hillary need a "blacker" woman to lead her cause? |
Women must harness the breadth of their power for more than just silent control of unsuspecting men. Women can force the hands of justice by simply patting out the fire in each others hair and destroying all of the matchbooks of self hatred that starts many of them.
What does that mean exactly? Push back at Trump's polling numbers until he lets up on Fiorina, and remind all of the other legislative daddy's that Roe .v. Wade was decided by a lot of smart adults, some of which were women.
Can You Win Any Election Without Women?
Even that cute skinny comedian who did the Fat Shaming video has a reason to join this cause since she will not be young and pretty forever, however, she MIGHT decide to remain a woman since she mentioned that being a man would have made her humor more funny or more generally accepted. (But you knew you weren't a man going into the satire that you hoped would shamefully inspire people..........huh????)
Women could insure the wage equity that they seek as well, but not without bringing along other disadvantaged people (men) in the process.
Don't assume that I see women as some monolithic conglomerate of voting sameness? Hardly!
Yet, the attack of Carly Fiorina's face is an attack on the entire gender, regardless of political bend. And the cause of gender equality is ONE.
This was a similar revelation that Dr. Martin Luther King faced when last he marched on earth. How do we fight for the conditions (via policy) that impact blacks the most without fixing the greater impact on poor people as a whole?
How can ONE woman rise above beauty as a pre-requisite if so many other women tacitly support these trappings of beauty and popularity?
You can't do it, so don't try.
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