As in that moment when you confront your spouse with the question of "are you cheating on me" and they do not say a word. The level of communication associated with certain moments of silence are absolutely astounding once you condition yourself to pay close attention to such things.
Donald Trump has been virtually silent on details but has parlayed a wealth of conversation into a sizable lead in the Republican race for the White House.
Don't look now, but Ben Carson is racing from behind and is polling as the second option for Donald Trump supporters who may be asked to choose a more reasonable second option before this is all over.
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What's happening at the top and the bottom of the Republican polling? |
Yet, what critics of Trump keep claiming of him is a dangerous lack of specifics connected to bold claims of wide sweeping reforms.
What I have begun to really believe of this Trump run is that he is in fact an internal plant of the Democratic party designed to corner the Republicans into a web of their own often confusing rhetoric of fear, which they've used for way too long, and with way too little to show for it.
Can We Soften Rich Hearts Into $12 min wage?
Either Socialism is really bad and Bernie Sanders needs to be killed before he kills America, or the cash is not going to trickle down like Reagan promised it would. Right now is a prime opportunity for the wealthy to open the faucet and rain on the regulars. Instead, they are proving the case that human greed will always dictate human behavior where strong policy doesn't resist it.
Have you heard the billionaire Donald Trump talking about taxing those hedge fund managers recently? You better believe that those hedge fund managers and those who they elect to correct this kind of stuff heard it. The millions that are closely watching Trump, including those who actually hope he wins should have heard it also. From my estimation, that excludes about 3 people in America who don't have media access because they live on the street............ and can't hear, speak or talk. (had to cover that last base)
In some ways, the election feels like it is a long time from now. For us political junkies it feels like Christmas is here again. Speaking of Christmas, if you don't start taking advantage of early purchasing and best price guaranteed, you will get the worst parts of the upcoming Christmas shopping season which starts up in 90 days.
I didn't say that to scare you. I recognize that the sun is still shining in most places across the land, however, way too many of us just drug those Christmas lights to the basement or attic.
I'm more sympathetic now to those bold or lazy folks who have taken to simply leaving the lights hanging instead of enduring that deja vu that you just put the lights up that happens every year as you put them back up again.
A year is never as far off as you think, and several SuperPAC's with a struggling candidate had better spark up the lights and start spending that money to justify all of their other hard work of getting behind that candidate in the first place. That should translate into heavy media blitzes (sooner and not later) and the feeling of an elongated campaign season that we'll be ready to burn in effigy when its all said and done.
This is where and why I've come to see this guy as a genius spy planted by the other side with a mission to implode a party with an unstable foundation- from the inside out.
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eep opp ork- ah ah!....and that means I love the Bible, The Tea Party, Mexicans and Women- and they love me. |
That viscerally pleasing silence, where Italians prefer a gesture or odd sound so they can perfectly fill in their own blanks. (Must be all those years of living in New Jersey for Trump)
Donald Trump wipes and reinserts his thermometer as we sleep, and wakes up saying what needs to be said the next day to bring that angry political fever down and push his poll numbers up. No one has ever done it quite so well, or done it so badly all at the same time. Donald has tools that Ronald Reagan would only dream about, both technology and a supreme media savvy from catering to the green light of a camera all of his life.
Trump Talk or Donald Speak?
When Trump tells you that voters don't need detail only the media does, believe him. The need for detail either happens late or never during campaigns; substantially less when power and charisma are the traits we're pursuing in the first place. When details don't matter, someone has to stand in the communication gap that happens from what Donald is saying and who, in fact, he is actually saying it to.
If he actually wins the White House, time will help us all learn what he means versus what he says, but that might be a bit too late. In the process of selecting a president, it's vital that we are clear about the leader we select, and right now the lead republican is just too difficult to get a read on.
So I Will Translate For You
"The largest suppliers of heroin, cocaine and other illicit drugs are Mexican cartels that arrange to have Mexican immigrants trying to cross the borders and smuggle in the drugs. The Border Patrol knows this," Trump wrote. "Likewise, tremendous infectious disease is pouring across the border. The United States has become a dumping ground for Mexico and, in fact, for many other parts of the world."
Don't worry people of the conservative South. I realize that there are way too many Mexicans shopping at Sam's Club down South these days instead of just California and Arizona. Just because they have Grandma, mom, dad and all of those bad kids clogging the free sample line doesn't mean that those Latin men are not sexual, drugging rapist., so I'll send them back for you...and make them pay for the fence.
Free trade is terrible. Free trade can be wonderful if you have smart people. But we have stupid people.
Pick me because I'm smarter than Obama and Hillary or anybody else who makes trade bad.
Trump on ObamaCare:
We do have to help people
. ... we have a 5 billion dollar website. I have so many websites … I hire people. They do a website. It costs me three dollars.
ObamaCare is working pretty well except for the name and that web site thing, so don't ask me about health care until people stop signing up for the help, because we gotta help people.
I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.
Nobody cares how they get a good job (i.e., details) so why tell them how you'll do it?
When was the last time anybody saw us beating, let’s say, China in a trade deal? They kill us. I beat China all the time.
How are we going to make lots of money without cheap Asian goods? I better tell them that I can beat China and get Asian goods even cheaper so we don't screw up the TPP.
What about Huma??!!! And her husband, the perv??!!
I like Hillary too much (and might be her internal plant) to hit on her or her assistant, so I will attack the low hanging fruit cake husband and hope nobody notices how nice I've actually been to Hillary versus everyone else running.
We're Going To Win
Now the latest Trumpeting almost sounds like a replay of Howard Dean's screaming rant during his presidential run. "We're (republicans) going to win so much you're going to get sick of winning", which translates to mean- "We're so sick of losing to Obama that we just need to feel like a winner again, and I'm going to say "winner" even if I'm voting Hillary".
This present line of Trump stump has carried on for a little longer than expected. Apparently, the thermometer says that the fever for a victory has not yet subsided and probably won't until Trump fully destroys those unreliable republicans who don't fulfill their promises.
If you had to wrap everything Trump is saying into one digestible quote, even his "Making America Great Again" theme, is all about winning- finally- and not being a loser. The entire brilliant, understated campaign message of Donald Trump is, don't worry about winning anymore because my name is Donald Trump and I always win.
The evidence is very far from the message, but only reporters research evidence. Trump doesn't own all of those towers or all of that facade of wealth that he puts up for the sake of the deal. Eventually everyone takes the raw end of negotiations- or runs out of money and has to settle for only putting his name on those Trump towers instead of collecting rent on them too.
Even the Democrats took a major loss during the mid-term elections but the Republicans haven't enjoyed that victory or basked in the feeling of #winning. Angry conservatives post all day long on social media sites about getting beaten by Obama at home, and Obama capitulation abroad, but they are furious towards their own party's passivity that allows him to do it.
The thermometer says losing sucks and winning is good, so Donald changes his stump speech to "We're Gonna Win... and win a lot."
Sorry Donald. If you win that means WE all lose. In fact, there is no win win with Donald. Every victory that Donald tallies is a victory for Donald, and Donald alone.
........and maybe Hillary too.
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