If you already assume that she has done something nefarious outside of using a private server instead of the government server that her boss requested she use, the question you will ask of Hillary will sound a lot like Ed Henry (Fox News) did yesterday when he asked her, "did you wipe the server?", as though she would break down under pressure and spill her guilty guts.
Other than Bill's sexual slip ups, the Clinton's have been regularly investigated but never convicted of misdoings. The natural evolution of those who endure legal poking and prodding so much is probably what causes Hillary Clinton legalese, the corporate language and tone that keeps Hillary from touching hearts and changing opinions- which she doesn't seem to believe is really possible in the first place. http://magazine.good.is/videos/clinton-speaks-blacklivesmatter
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Now that the FBI is on the case, its time for Hillary to get Ed Henry off of hers. |
Yes I'm a Feminist...So What?!
Legalese is simply a necessity in a world that is searching for signs of weakness as a fuel to its hunger, especially from women. Donald Trump might feel bold and powerful with his fractional control of a fractured party, but his words of insult and anger are terribly revealing about a person wrought with insecurities that mom and therapists can smell from miles away. If Trump is doing anything, he's mirroring the fears of other insecure Americans who are worried to death about the direction of this nation and are thus inclined to point blame as a matter of......security.
At some point during Hillary's question and answer session regarding her email yesterday, she got tough, and maybe a little angry with Ed Henry, telling him that "he was not listening to her" as she tried to explain that the normal nature of verifying and classifying documents in government would need to occur on her emails regardless of her choice of server while serving as Secretary of State.
Maybe it was the Denver Bronco orange suit that she wore for the occasion that touched my heart, or it was the enticing feeling of discipline that reminded me of my mom. Though you protested as a child, you grew to long for the loving correction that you finally realized was as an effort to keep you on track in life.
Ed Henry has been off-track with Hillary for some time now because he, the conservative news flag waiver, is the one guy most responsible for being the voice of the entire media who feels essentially stiffed by the lack of access that Hillary has given them, although the liberal media feels like traitors whenever they mention it. Their hope in some twisted way is for Hillary to have to grovel to their scrutiny in an effort to recapture a crumbling campaign. An Elizabeth Warren to be another Barack Obama would serve perfectly to satisfy their anger with Hillary.
When the initial charge of the right-winged/media based attack against the Clinton's began, it seemed unreasonable because that would imply a sleeping with the enemy conspiracy in that the media leans firmly left of Fox News and the political right.
To date, only republicans and the media continue to chase after the email story. The lack of real evidence of real malfeasance means that the Clinton's remain mostly correct on the claim of this sleeping with the enemy conspiracy against them even though the story keeps nibbling at her poll numbers. It also means that the bloodhounds must sniff harder.
What looked like the last lonely bloodhound left on the sniff, Trey Gowdy and the Benghazi Committee, is now reignited by the State Departments attempt to resolve potential issues within the Clinton document chain prior to her potential presidency instead of at their leisure as is the case with most government stuff. In the end, the only real Clinton bloodhound remains the media. Gowdy is just a pawn for the press who is stuck trying to justify all of the money he's wasted on this smelly chase.
If in fact there is anything potentially illegal to be dealt with- which is unlikely since improperly classified documents happen often, as do the post dated arguments over what is and isn't worthy to be considered classified- the FBI is our last best hope for uncovering that answer one way or another.
The initial FBI finding is that 305 Clinton emails will undergo a classification review. Two emails have already been considered classified, or more sensitive then previously marked. Whether or not these 2 emails and their content rises to the level of necessary action towards the two individuals that sent them seems to be the thrust of FBI concern.
Both senders of these emails are currently working for Hillary's presidential campaign and could already have been addressed on their error, yet the opportunity to prove that the Clinton's are really bad people and this is not just a lazy media searching for an entertainment angle for ratings sake dangles before US again.
If these staffers made unforgivable classification errors that Hillary needed to address, she certainly wouldn't have rehired them to work on her campaign, would she? With the next level of heat potentially going towards these two staffers, it makes sense that Hillary got out in front of this for them instead. Given the result of yesterdays interview performance, standing up for trusted confidants might be the presidential posture that Hillary was looking for.
For just one moment during yesterday's presser, I wanted Hillary to let her clearly apparent passions boil over instead of keeping them firmly in check as she managed to do. At the risk of cursing her campaign kharma for the rest of time, I actually wanted Hillary to be more Trump like on the reporter who keeps pushing her every chance he gets.
Because of her hands off interview approach to the 2016 campaign, Ed Henry is taking one for an entire press core eager to finally force Hillary into the kind of exclusive interviews that Trump does almost daily. What must not be mistaken is that this war will always be about the press and their anger with being beaten by the Clinton's at every turn.
If Hillary withstands the heat of this newest speculation, she'll need to credit to the speculators. The opportunity to advance the cause of women lies within the reach of a nation that is watching the first black president complete two terms and same sex marriage approved by the Supreme Court during that same span of time. Hillary will only lose if she actually did make an unforgiveable mistake with her email, and she seems confident that the American public will get the facts and judge this matter more fairly than the press or Ed Henry.
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things that make you go 'hmmmmm' It will be ready when its done. |
Although we all may experience an emotional flashback when we get a verbal smack down from a lady, we all have mom's who've challenged us like this bef
ore, and then one day we actually found that we appreciated it- maybe even miss it a bit. It's time for Hillary to get tough like somebody's momma on Trump, Ed Henry and all of those who indirectly accuse her of wrongdoing as a way to justify their wrongdoing towards she and Bill.
For those on the wrong side of that tongue lashing, it will feel a bit like the days when you kept bugging mom about when dinner was going to be ready. To which she said:
It will be ready when its done. Such timeless, stern wisdom. Dare I say, gravitas. (Too soon?....my bad!)
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