Chronicler's of Trump might appear to be unwitting puppets of the Donald's marketing skill, but we aren't deaf, dumb or blind. We hear what Trump is saying as much as we see what he is not saying or doing, and both are telling statements into the psyche of a man that is refreshingly transparent while being aloof and close to the vest at the same time. If it looks like we are stuck with our mouths wide open, its not a statement of our lack of intelligence, though we are being schooled by the man who wrote the book.
In his history as a best selling author, Donald once described the business of fine art as a big con game in which the best artist is often nothing more than the best negotiator in fact. If achieving the greatest negotiation of his lifetime is actually possible for Trump, it will take the most artistic deal he's every pulled off. To Trump, the entire process of negotiating a deal is a work of art. In the process of painting it, you may have to scratch the back of both political left and right in order to center in and close the deal.

Let him tell it, Trump is all about "the women" and doesn't seem as eager as some republicans to join this dubious debate in the GOP against abortion and women's reproductive rights which could alienate the vast majority of female voters who appreciate having control over when to be a parent or not. Trump claims that he's a friend of Mexico too and has showered Hispanic voters with enough back handed compliments towards Mexico's leaders to actually be the top poller in the GOP amongst Hispanic voters as well.
Trump is adamant about a fence and even more adamant that Mexico must pay for it. Oddly, Trump is also talking vociferously against amnesty, meaning he is ready and willing to send 11 million South American immigrants back to somewhere in South America, since Mexico's portion is not the entire enchilada anymore.
This all sounds somewhat straight forward until you ask Trump about the broken families that he's likely to create during the deportation process as Chuck Todd did during Sunday's Meet The Press (NBC). To that, Trump says "we have to keep the families together".
Keep them together? If you happen to save a little money by forcing Mexico to pay for the fence- a fence that Trump says won't cost very much anyway- you'll lose it all and then some by deporting families with a self imposed challenge of keeping families intact as part of the mission. If Hispanics trust Trump and his plan, this could be the way to a comfortable two or three week vacation in a Mexican Holiday Inn before returning to America to finally get legal. Or not.
Is this really a plan or is it just the art of the deal?
For whatever unpractical reason, republicans seems inspired by the deport those Mexicans rhetoric that keeps firing up the base and driving up the poll numbers for Donald Trump. From a GOP perspective, the plan seems to be working brilliantly for Trump but not for the rest of the field who would much rather talk about how bad Obama has been for America than immigration and abortion.
Putting aside for now the fact that most of America's voters are women, the American electorate gains 1 million NEW Hispanic voters every year, and a growing Hispanic electorate can not be excited by the less than compassionate deportation plan that the lead Republican candidate just put forth, even if it's twice as compassionate as the self deportation idea that sprouted from the last republican primary winner.
Trump is really good at more aspects of the business of politics than most of us previously anticipated. Now, he's even developing the skill of talking away policy positions that have changed over the years. resorting to a overriding doctrine that no Republican will ever be able to challenge him on. Trump has recently resorted to reminding republicans that the god of Republicans, Ronald Reagan, used to be a Democrat. If Reagan can finally come into the light, even Trump can be excused for his days of darkness.
Nonetheless, how can Trump track back to the center after unveiling an eliminate birthright citizenship, 'deport the Mexicans and build a fence to keep them out' platform?

Could a man so charismatic and economically brilliant be so foolish when it comes to alienating such an important part of the American general electorate?
He's not foolish or stupid. So Why Is He Doing This?
If Trump is using the same immigrants that he intends to deport as a dangling jalapeno against a spicy hot conservative electorate, it's because his deal making skill says he doesn't really need them to close this part of the deal.
By the time Trump finishes off the republican field, he'll simply invoke Reagan once again to explain his change of heart against deporting immigrant families- maybe even blame Mexico for not cooperating. By going this route, general election voters can forgive him for offending the Mexicans and move on to the next deal, a deal that he will never be able to close if he remains on this futile path towards deporting instead of embracing Hispanic culture.
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Attention all undocumented workers. "You're Fired!" |
You're Donald Trump.
Just Fire Them!
If Trump convinces America to stop allowing birthright citizenship, will he retro activate the law so a few of his birthright citizen rivals get deported or disqualified for president?
How exactly do we round up 11 million undocumented workers and millions more of their legal family members who we may not be able to find, instead of tracking down employers of undocumented workers whose whereabouts we know for certain?
Anyone who really is interested in fixing the high powered job magnet that is American immigration by putting up a fence instead of shutting off the magnet is unrealistic and frankly stupid. The biggest crime of immigration is the complicit thirst for cheap labor that WE keep pretending didn't begin with slavery.
From houses to fast food; most things Made In America are produced by low waged Mexicans, and most things sold in America are produced by low waged Asians.Neither of these realities exists because a bunch of eager Americans were doing the job for less already. If high paid American workers were worth it to American corporations, they would have kept domestic production and English speaking drive through workers or cell phone repair technicians instead of changing these faces and voices for profit reasons alone.
Deport Them? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
Trump will never do a thing about immigration because he won't have to. No candidate without a serious plan for the largest growing segment of America will ever have to seriously worry about getting elected as America's president because immigration is a swing issue that America expects its next president to seriously resolve one way or another.
Deportation is not a serious plan.
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