Monday, March 9, 2015

SCOTUS Decision Could Hurt ObamaCare. Will Hurt Republicans

I hate all welfare because I believe that people who are healthy and educated rarely need welfare.

In the absence of healthy systems of education and healthcare comes the necessity for every other system of welfare that we know.  Much like those potholes during icy winters, we will only be forced to repair damage from the gap for those who fall into it. Every person we save from disease and ignorance becomes a de facto soldier in the battle towards welfare's ultimate cure.

If ObamaCare had any other name, it would be more successful.
American's who were supposed to be proud of republicans in congress because they typically represent the most educated and wealthy of the land should recognize the similarities and the differences between the words wealth and health.  While wealth might gain you access to health, you still better go see the doctor.

Doctor Phil could help with republican refusal to tell their constituents that kynect (Kentucky's anti-ObamaCare health exchange) or Louisiana Health Connect are the same as ObamaCare, and ObamaCare is the same as RomneyCare.  That might seem like a liberal jab at a former failed republican presidential candidate, but its actually a recognition to the success of Romney the governor.  Thanks to the wisdom of his former ways, Massachusetts healthcare has experienced some of the weakest growth in the percentage of people who have health insurance- because they are the only state that has had an exchange for years and didn't need ObamaCare to fix their access issue. Since  Massachusetts did experience some growth in covered citizens, Kansas was actually the only state in America (2014)  that did not have growth in covered Kansan's.  Kansas state officials eventually allowed ObamaCare, but shunned medicare expansion based on principles that the Supreme Court upheld, but no one quite understands anymore, since medicare recipients- even in Kansas- represent the most needy of Americans.

Kentucky Connect = kynect, not ObamaCare.
Americans that got all riled up about ObamaCare during 2014 elections realize that his godforsaken name is still attached to it all, so it must be bad.  At least, that's what their congressman told them in order to gain their vote. Currently, that same congressman CAN NOT step forward and tell the truth about ObamaCare because the 2016 elections are at stake and republicans already sent the ObamaCare overthrow lawsuit to be heard by the Supreme Court.

ObamaCare is vote for me. 

That's right. Despite the fact that ObamaCare has created more covered citizens in every state except Kansas, republicans are forced to press forward with the same distorted rhetoric that they used to scare their constituents into the voting booths in 2014.  Any attempt to step away from their  majority- and not stick it to Barry- would not be well received back at the red state watering hole.  In essence, republicans have cornered themselves into a place that someone else must rescue them from.

Established By The State

Their hopes are that the Supreme Court will quietly (5-4) override their lawsuit against the words "established by the state" which  republican's claim represents illegal confusion in ObamaCare's  implementation.   I wrote that last sentence, and even I am still confused by it all. The best hope for republicans is a Supreme Court that protects the spirit  and intent of the law and not the conservative attempt to weaken the post of the presidency, a post that they seem unlikely to ever win again.  Without placing a republican in the white house, conservatives will perpetually gerrymander to block presidents or actually work to write good laws that some democratic president might get the credit for.  Good laws like ObamaCare.  Republicans could totally fix ObamaCare (even the name), but at the risk of adding to the spirit and intent of the law and to the legacy of their most hated rival.

This matter is somewhat complex, so let's review again. Republicans, even in Kansas, are allowing their citizens to access ObamaCare subsidies, yet they  want to snatch insurance coverage from the same citizen who needed a subsidy to finally get insured in the first place.  Although health insurance coverage is mandated by law, use of the subsidy only happens when someone signs up on an insurance exchange to make it happen.  Nationwide, healthcare subsidies (welfare) are happening just as ObamaCare intended because healthy and educated people are the hallmark of a truly healthy nation, and only stupid people would intentionally live without healthcare coverage.

Republicans are both well educated and wealthy enough to have access to healthcare, but they are not immune to falling into gaps. Their icy war against Obama and his Care has left behind potholes that threaten to damage us all if reasonable repairs are not made.  Whether or not the Supreme Court will choose to make the repair with a concession of semantics is what we are waiting to discover.

Conservative judges on the high court would love to slap Obama upside his healthcare head by striking down this four word confusion and forcing congress to fix the problem with proper wording or a  better law that republicans prefer.  Problem is, republicans don't have anything better than what is already fixing healthcare as we know it.  If they did, Romney would have used it as a governor and we would have long since heard about it.  The only real alternative that republicans have for ObamaCare involves strengthening it for the rest of time, or screwing it- and themselves, just because their majority says they can.

Maybe our health disparity is causing an education pothole as well.

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