Tuesday, March 3, 2015

King Abdullah Believes Pathway Of Terror Points Towards Jerusalem

What makes America's path against radical Islamic terror most confusing is that we are expected to both support the fight and create the plan.

To date, I have yet to hear one credible plan that doesn't sound either too limited or too counterproductive.  Most except that Arab nations must lead this fight while disregarding that King Abdullah of Jordan has raised a hand to assume the job. As a result, very few are listening to the voices  of the same people we've asked to lead the fight.

King Abdullah of Jordan is leading, and thanks to an historic interview, he's talking too.

Did ISIS pull the wrong tiger's tail when they
burned the Jordanian pilot?
Fareed Zakaria (of CNN's GPS) has secured an exclusive interview with the person now in charge of the war against ISIS. King Abdullah, who has not spoken since the death of the Jordanian pilot, has remained consistent on the side that believes this fight must be lead by Arab nations.  Yet, determining who will lead the charge only represents one aspect of the current unrest.  Although many people don't want to hear him say it- King Adullah believes that, in the end, "all roads lead to Jerusalem".

For the love of God, the USA endures and insures a non-partisan, Christian commitment to the safety and security of the nation of Israel.  Despite the tensions that exist between Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and president Barack Obama, even Netanyahu acknowledges that Obama has committed more resources to the safety of Israel than ever before under any other US president.  If Obama's willingness to negotiate a nuclear agreement with Iran is a sticking point in the relationship between Netanyahu and Obama, it is only one big point on a very thin list.  That other big point makes Obama just as maligned as is King Abdullah in the eyes of Netanyahu supporters.  Both Obama and Abdullah ardently agree that Israel must resolve the Palestinian issue and establish a two state solution between these two nations.  The iron-dome keeping a cap upon the entire middle-eastern powder keg is an inseparable dedication to God that America makes to keep God separated from our government even while we allow Him to dictate our policy towards Israel.
Israel should be appalled by Gaza too!

These religious commitments of America do not technically make us a caliphate, because ALL religious ideologies are free to be in the home of the brave.  Disregard, if you can, that we do claim a Trust in a God that we reference on our demigod. Disregard also that because of that very God, WE will never allow the death of Israel, even if Benjamin Netanyahu and his political crony John Boehner ignorantly test our divine marching order.

Despite the differences that this current president has with Israel's current prime minister, why would Netanyahu wish to risk the image that America has towards Israel and those who support him?  No visit - especially one with political ramifications- should be worth the risk of disrupting a relationship that will determine the future of your people.

Nothing reasonably good could come of the behavior of Netanyahu except the re-election of Netanyahu.  Ben has read our bible too and he knows that WE are as religiously dedicated to their safety as evil is to their destruction.  At times it feels that WE are even more invested in Israel than Netanyahu and those like him.  When you make a mockery of our congress, you religiously mock the very messianic message that demands we protect you.

Since our investment in Israel might one day require the death of millions and the next true world war, King Abdullah, President Barack Obama and I are on the side of reasonable diplomacy before unabashed acceptance of the death of millions.  Diplomacy means oversight in Iran to monitor and delay their walk towards a nuclear reality instead of hoping that they will never do it absent worldwide oversight. Diplomacy means rebuilding Gaza so we don't have to keep bombing it. Diplomacy means that we quit ignoring this war torn region as though its not a humanitarian disgrace.

Gaza is a disgrace to all of humanity.

Just saying Ben.

Moreover, Gaza is as legitimate a tool for the recruitment of terror as anything in the world.  Airstrikes in response to beheading's help modern recruitment efforts, but Gaza is an old problem and far from being addressed with the kind of focus that confronts terror on all fronts, especially recruitment paths.  This mission will be won by attacking every supply chain, and all roads truly do point towards Jerusalem.

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