Winning the House is a foregone conclusion, but the only way republicans take over the Senate is the abject failure of ObamaCare and not just screams of pending doom. For many republicans, ObamaCare offers enough of a winning opportunity to have already gone "all-in" against it.
Rand Paul can't get off so easy. He and his congressional cohorts are currently in a more systematic war against the Obama political machine. They not only need to render him a lame duck, they need to roast him and glaze him in orange sauce. The problem with putting heat to his message is that it burns the line that connects Hillary back to Obama. Like most things Obama, republicans will continue the attack no matter how personally damaging it becomes.
As for Paul, in order to best prepare himself for the battle ahead, he has acknowledged which Clinton he will run against. If he is fortunate enough to run against the OG of universal care herself, he could easily build an effective narrative. This Clinton was in the white house when she first had the healthcare dream, and became a Senator when the law got enacted, pushing hard for the mandates that republicans now abhor. A failed ObamaCare will be tied to this Clinton for sure.
If you haven't noticed, Paul is not posturing to take on this Clinton at all. He is posturing to take on the Clinton that got Obama elected simply for the power of "splaining things". Paul is perfectly clear about the challenge before him, and understands who he represents. Paul represents a party that will push him forward even if the GOP will not, so he has to talk like a conservative but fight for the Libertarian.. The Libertarian will functionally dismantle government, leaving behind whatever they deem "necessary". In other words, he is the voice of a radical movement within mainstream America.
What does the voice of the radical sound like when fighting for an electoral advantage? Take a listen.
Rand Paul chasing after Bill (not Barack) in attack of Hillary.
If for any reason his words sound harsh, think of them in the context of his options. If he could pull up a nasty pie chart about the Clinton economy he would have already done that. Bill Clinton is not only good at explaining stuff, he has the pie charts during his presidency to give him street cred, even against democratic enemies. The only real line of attack that Bill offers up as a result of his presidential legacy is that of Lewinsky. Republicans otherwise look at him as the unfair advantage of the other side.
The angry white man who is rapidly watching his nation being wrestled from his grip and is fighting to conserve the last memories of the land his father promised him. He has decided that he might not even listen if the message is not from the mouth of one of his own. No one has destroyed the legacy of Bill Clinton enough to keep him out of the ear of those voters who every politician is hoping to influence.
Rand Paul is a few undeniable things. He is number two on the GOP, likely to run poll (10% favor Paul). He is also the most likely to run of them all, evidenced by many recent behaviors. Paul's Bill bashing is just the most recent campaigning signal. More than anything, Rand Paul is the person most clear about Bill's ability to neutralize Obama's connection to Hillary; most clear about making Obama unnecessary in regards to his role on the stump.
There really is no question how hard Bill will work to fulfill this journey. He will become the rock beneath Hillary's feet. Paul has to chisel Mt. Bill down to a sizable rock or he, and all other republicans, won't be able to get close enough to Hillary to even make it a fair fight. Whatever you are seeing right now from Paul is the only card he has to play.
Next Post: Pursuit of the Presidency: Is Hillary Following In The Legacy of Bill or Barack?
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