Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Trump, Biden Have Similarities. Caged Kids Isn't One


                              Be it an immigration update or an economic forecast, the intelligence briefings and reports of the general state of the nation an incoming and outgoing president receives are not different, especially during the period of transition.  The primary difference is what they choose to do with the information. The state of the union is laid to bare during a transition as an incoming president can only dribble balls that are already inflated and bouncing when they arrive. Biden got into the race to become president because he was convinced WE needed dramatically new direction in leadership from the White House, and he could provide it. For the most part, he was right, however, there are ways he isn't different from his predecessor.

                            While I don’t want to upset anyone with unfair comparisons between our new president and the past one, I do think it’s important to note, 5 weeks in, where there are some similarities as well as similarities we've heard about that aren’t necessarily true. First and foremost, thank God Biden doesn't govern by tweet, but that's just scratching the surface.

Is President Biden Caging Kids, Just Like Trump Did?

                              Despite the genuine challenge immigration poses, let’s fully debunk the notion that Joe Biden is separating families in the same manner that Donald Trump was. The distorted hypocrisy of Trumpians lying about Joe Biden doing the very thing they celebrated Donald Trump for is typical, laughable and reminiscent of that insurrection they openly planned, conducted and applauded before they decided it was probably smarter to blame it on ANTIFA.

                             To be clear, if Biden has reopened any of Trump's caged-kid facilities, and he has, it is only to deal with the volume of migrants at the border and to find a way to humanely bring them inside from the elements while keeping them together as a family. Had Trump shown the decency to, at the very least, keep families together, none of the controversy over caged kids would’ve ever began. Of course, now we understand that the cruelty and the transformation of the U.S. image as a global humanitarian was not mismanagement. It was the actual goal. Whether they succeeded or not is a question for time and the history books.

                   Under Biden, Trump or whoever is president, migrant families, walking thousands of miles towards the U.S. border and their hope for freedom, turn themselves over to authority willingly, and have never cared about the nature of the facility they eat sleep and get water from in the initial stages of the asylum process provided they remained with the same children they brought with them during the death defying journey. Because Trump chose the cruel path of separating families in this very moment of their lives, Pres. Biden's administration is currently attempting to reuinte hundreds of missing kids with parents, and has promised to allow those families who were separated, to reunite in the United States as a form of retribution for what they’ve endured.                     
Doesn't Golden Calf Trump have
on the Apollo Creed shorts?

                          No matter what OAN and NewsMax tell you, the immigration policy of these two presidents are not the same at all. What is similar between the current president and the former president involves this farce of a political conference that Trump headlined this past weekend. After days of deifying his name and his memory in preparation for the keynote speech of their golden calf, Trump himself finally spoke to the crowd- who would’ve been just as happy if they had called it TPAC and cut the charade- but only talked about old grievances, never offering any guidance to the party nor a commitment of a future presidential candidacy.

           Straw polling from the event determined Trump the clear-cut winner of the conference, but he only achieved 55% of the vote splitting the other 45% of the vote with a sparse crowd of names, none impressive enough to warrant a mention. Of significant note are the two most likely challengers to the Trumpian wing of the Republican throne, Niki Haley (SC), and former VP Mike Pence (IN), because neither were in attendance.

        How does this anti-climactic loser worshipping conference overlap with Biden? To date, Biden himself has not declared as a 2024 candidate either, seemingly suggesting in the early days of his campaign that he’d be willing and interested in handing the reigns of his presidency over to someone else after one term. 

Is President Biden still serious about one term or was that just a ploy to gain progressives support?

            Biden hasn’t spoken of it again since making his VP selection, and Kamala Harris could be the protégé Biden hopes to groom between now and the 2024 election, however, is she enough to offer U.S.? If the Democrats hope to go into 2024 with a bench to choose from, shouldn't Democrats consider identifying their "who's next" just like Republicans tried to do this weekend? Can the conversation begin in earnest before Biden public says what he plans to do one way or the other? If Kamala Harris is being set up for a Hillary Clinton style coronation as our next president, don't be shocked if the 2024 presidential election results end similarly to 2016 for Democrats as well. Niki Haley would love to be our nations first female president instead of Kamala Harris. Trust me on this!


            This other area of similarity between the current and former president isn’t necessarily an easy pill to swallow given the heated politics related to the subject, however, Biden and Trump wanted the exact same thing to happen with our schools and probably for the same reasons. No, I don’t really think Donald Trump gives a damn about kids or education, but I also don’t believe Joe Biden’s motivation for opening schools is entirely altruistic either.

                I’m not saying Biden doesn’t care about kids and teachers. His wife is a lifelong educator, and her feelings on most subjects influence her husband immensely. What I am saying is, a significant segment of the U.S. economy is tied to the food service programs of public schools and universities across this land. Consequently, losing the regular flow of so much food across this country has been as crippling to our economy as any one thing could be. 

               Without question, there can be no return to normal without returning our schools to normal. Biden knows it, and so did Trump. Without question, the politics on reopening schools even has the teachers union torn between themselves over what is the right thing to do- open the schools or keep remote learning until the virus passes a bit more? And, without question, lots of kids are suffering as a result of this. Yes, some kids more than others, but all are suffering one way or another from schools being anything other than open for business just like they used to be. 

        Yet, without question, Biden is pushing to open the schools nearly as hard as he's pushing the vaccine because the health of the nation is tied to the vaccine just as the health of our overall economy is tied to fully functioning schools and universities serving tons of food each week. 

                Love it or hate it- for our current president, Sleepy Joe, or the former president and leader of the insurrection- much of this school opening conversation is strictly about the economy, not the kids
. If that similarity between Biden and Trump is tough to swallow, my apologies, but it is what it is.




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