Yes, Barack Obama did bankrupt- in more ways than one- the entire DNC leaving it in a situation where Hillary Clinton had to save it or go it alone. Clinton sort of did both if we take Brazile at her word. Obama hasn't opened his mouth once in defense of himself and most people who dislike the decision of Donna describe her book as a money grab, not a lie.
I quickly echoed the concern about Hillary long before she announced she'd run, just as I've acknowledged how Obama left the DNC in a position to do very little work down ticket, forcing Clinton to trust that black people would simply obey the Obama's and fear Trump way more than we eventually did. I voiced concerns during the DNC succession war that left boring Tom Perez as the head while forward thinking Keith Ellison (the first man to predict Trump btw) was designated co-chair as a white-flag concession. And I've written, on several occasions, my concern with progressive messaging. ( I'm A Socialist Who Doesn't Believe In $15, Warning!! Trump's Guilt Is Not A Campaign Message )
And then Virginia and Alabama happened.
Despite the apparent possibility of this moment, I am still of the mindset that it's vital for Democrats to recognize their own identity crisis and not misread what happened in Alabama as probable anywhere else in America while forgetting that black people apathy in the 2016 presidential election might have lead to a p***y grabbing nincompoop of a president. We blacks don't openly take blame for Donald, yet we indirectly accepted blame when we refused to worry about it being our fault with that pedophile in Alabama. In record numbers, black people came out to vote in Alabama overcoming major impediments- intentional or not- that typically thwart our participation.
While I would love to see this black voter participation trend continue, I don't blame black folks for our apathy all alone. Once again, I blame Obama for disappointing the lazy black voters who wanted him to deliver 40 acres and/or a mule.
I certainly blame him for bankrupting the DNC.
But, I also blame him for scaring the shit out of way too many white people with that smile and charismatic way of his. I thank him immensely for living a virtuous life with a virtuous wife and kids, but that doesn't take away the blame we have to give Obama for passing a healthcare plan designed to placate Republicans, who mostly found the whole idea of universal healthcare objectionable back in those days anyway.
I blame Barack Hussein Obama for having the audacity to become our glorious 44th president with such a Muslim'y name. I don't blame him for racial intolerance and stuff like that, but I have no option but to blame Barack Obama for not having the courage, or the core principles, to demand single-payer healthcare when he had the chance to do it.
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Does Little Marco actually have big hands and big courage, or is he just igniting a trend that can only explode the deficit further? |
Black Democrats in America, and in Alabama, have very little reason to expect Hillary Clinton, Doug Jones or any other so-called Democrat to fix the issue with wages. In fact, despite what will inevitably add more to the overall deficit scoring of their tax plan, it is a Republican that is fighting to retain that same old Child Tax Credit that occasionally makes you wish you were Mormon (Thanks Marco Rubio).
Rubio's rescue, combined with doubling the standard deduction, never amounts to more than an extra few bucks or so that you will only see during tax season, and doesn't actually apply to the 44 million people who itemize their deductions anyway. So, if you are poor without children, you had better pray the GOP wage increase promise pans out because their tax plan has nothing at all in it for you.
Someone should remind Rubio and the Republicans that Child Tax Credits, doubling the standard deductions and things like that used to be a dangling carrot that only Democrats used. In reality, Democrats or Republicans could offer to quadruple the standard deduction and it wouldn't dramatically change the way tax liability or tax return checks work. Unless you are still willing to game the system by illegally claiming charitable donations as a way to squeeze out a tax return check, the GOP tax plan does little to truly benefit the average Joe or Josephine.
In fact, the corporate tax cuts don't expire but Josephine's and Joe's cuts will expire sooner, not later. It's as if congressional Republicans can't truly forecast a vibrant future economy their tax plan depends on and understand the long-term deficit risk of giving cuts to everybody based on potential growth. The problem they have is that they also can't begin to pretend they are helping everyone fairly without shining too much light on the fact that they are not. So, the message becomes, " ignore your expiring tax cuts, Joe and Josephine, and trust that bad companies will finally be good to you after WE give them lots more money to be good to you with"
Also, try to forget about the fact that the corporations will see their benefits starting this February, but WE will have to wait until 2019 tax time to get our one-time $1,000 Christmas present. In the long run, the tax cuts that they insist are for us might afford you a couple of cool family nights at the football game, so long as your car is already in good shape and you live in a city like Atlanta where the Mercedes Benz stadium has foot long hot dogs that are only $2.50, and the inexpensive soft drinks ($2-$4) come with free refill stations all over the stadium.
Everywhere else in America, the average game ticket starts at $150. Car repairs can be ten times that amount.
The truth about both parties are that neither has fixed inflation's deflation of our income and savings. Way too many of us already put off those car repairs waiting for the Republicans and Democrats to throw us an inflation sensitive bone each spring. Yet, no matter how many different ways they attempt to throw those tax time bones, it is never hard to recognize how little meat remains for the immense amount of ravenous dogs attempting to scavenge for their share.
So yes, Obama is to blame for the skepticism of a voting block that was already too skeptical for him to concede as much as he did. Assuming he conceded at all?
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Maybe Obama has overtaken Russia and is controlling Putin as a devious plot against Trump and America? |
As for my personal concession?
My Obama rebuke is all that I can offer to my Republican friends who accuse me of not being even handed when sharing too many comical postings against Trump and his team. If you try to Google something funny and fair about Barack, Hillary and Democrats, the pictures of demonic horns don't seem funny enough, even the few that have a smiling face attached to them.

No matter how easy a target Donald's ducklings are, Democrats can't rest on Huckabee humor, pedophile hatred or whatever a laurel might be. They need to replicate the ground game that swept through Virginia and Alabama even if it was a pedophile that motivated them to press harder in Alabama, a place Democrats rarely waste money. Now, the DNC is forced to find enough money to throw at every Southern wall just to see where their message actually sticks.
Oh yeah, they also need a believable economic message to avoid the risk of relying on their own Grand Old Philosophies that no one cares to believe anymore. Hopefully, they are fashioning a message of economic hope that sounds a lot better than "Trump Sucks".
Whether this guy who is proving to be politically toxic to his own party actually survives Mueller and wants to give this horrendous job of his a second go, has little to do with the necessity for each party to clean up from the Trump-era fallout and establish a firmer identity in an era beset with identity politics.
Despite an image of desperately wanting to help people, the results of Democrat policies have done no more than Republican policies at closing the widening gap between rich and poor. In the end, both parties can only tinker with wage minimums or give you a small check each spring.
What Is Identity Politics?
If you are raised to see Democrats as much more reprehensible than pedophile's, it isn't difficult to confuse one man's reprehensible behaviors as a political assassination attempt.The sad but true reality of identity politics is that Roy Moore had way more support than any civilized human should be comfortable with (I did not say deplorable). Identity politics made it absolutely necessary for 97% of black women, and 92% of black men (eligible voters), to show up in Alabama.
Thanks to identity politics, black people were begged to assume their identity of Democrat in numbers never seen before in Alabama. While it saved their state from being culpable in pedophilia, the stench of those who laid down with the skunk, and the p***y grabbing president who endorsed pedophilia, will be smelled for years to come. As we reminisce on this, WE the People will also recall the visuals and imagine the smell of body sweat and oppression left behind in those Democrat precincts where budget cuts killed voting locations and lengthened lines in Alabama, but only stiffened the resolve of those identified as US.
For a party that is currently making folks question their identification of Christian and Republican, the Roy Moore debacle might be the largest relinquishment of a party's identity save for the one they are proposing to do next week.
Assuming the Republican Tax plan moves forward without another Marco Rubio hero stunt- which only further inflates the cost of doing the entire thing- the GOP will be on the hook to prove that adding 2 trillion dollars (and rising) to the deficit can be deficit neutral, or deficit reducing from increased incomes and consumer spending that increases tax revenues.
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"Have I got a gift for you!" |
The blurred lines between the two parties will grow even blurrier after tomorrow when every Republican Senator and his mama will seek to do the Rubio and get their last minute pork barrel add-on's at the stage when the pressure of the holiday season conspires to make another legislative failure the first present the GOP opens.
Assuming they get so lucky.
Much like Roy Moore, losing will be a special form of winning for the GOP who can actually avoid some of the public backlash of this terribly unpopular president and tax plan if they are fortunate enough for it- and Trump indirectly- to go down in legislative flames just as Repeal and Replace did. As for the average Joe or Josephine? Aside from remembering who passed it, there's just not enough in it for most of US to worry about it passing or failing.
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