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Will nations that normally censor US choose to broadcast Trump's rigged election claims? |
Donald Trump's rigged election claims are the most damaging blow to the image of America and our potential for future greatness since Donald Trump won the nomination. No really. The world, manipulated by hacked information from Russian president Vladimir Putin himself, laughed at US just for allowing that television show hustler to get this far. Now even Putin isn't laughing because Trump has essentially declared that the democrats and Hillary Clinton are about to win the election the exact same way that he would do it.
What Trump is way too uneducated or unsuspecting to understand is that his newest rhetoric is only likely to suppress his own voters by giving them very little cause to believe that waiting in the line will matter very much.
I won't attempt to connect this dot back to my nearly year old claim that Trump is Hillary's plant who doesn't really want to win, though documents have been wikileaked showing that Hillary at least encouraged his running and spoiling of the GOP well. Regardless of the impetus, Trump is here, but he is either way too dumb to understand which vote gets suppressed by tainting the legitimacy of an election that he's losing in the polls, or he understands oh too well and intends the results he's influencing.
Disregard the very smart election experts that work for Trump, who have to know the truth about Trump's approach. Remind yourself of the broadcast people that are his key consultants, and remember that Trump's son in law has been reported as seeking an initial contact towards creating a media network.
To win any presidential election, you need a team of people called surrogates and subordinates who speak on your behalf via various media outlets, and they make media productions, also on your behalf. In other words, running for a political office is the equivalent of building a media production organization. The process of transferring that highly functioning organization into a working entity involves paperwork and naming. That's it.
Win or lose, Trump has an alt-right ready media organization and a gang of people motivated to stay on the Trump payroll either way. It explains why so many people are willing to risk their reputations while supporting things that are ambivalent to the very word democracy.
Things like calling our elections rigged and then hoping to legitimize that same election when it's over. Keep in mind what exactly Trump is saying here. He is saying that our elections are so flooded with illegal votes, that the only way for him to win is for....for what? More illegal votes than expected from the other side or more real voters than expected? And how does Trump gain those real voters while making rigged election claims that hardly appeal to the people he's got? What is the remedy for this inevitable illegality and how in fact would we consider Trump a legitimate winner if he insists he can only win by getting votes from his own millions of dead people just like Clinton has?
Isn't this the statement that political spectators from South Africa- who've fought to gain free and untainted elections themselves- are hearing? We know Russian and Chinese citizens are typically censored from American media, but wouldn't it be rather smart for these countries to broadcast this nonsense uncensored? Doesn't it make those fascist countries look a little less wrong if America no longer has an unrigged election? Doesn't all of this make the world a less hopeful place in the minds of foreign citizens who believe Trump? How hopeful will those who admire US be if even one person decides to take this revolution into their own hands as a result of Donald's dumbness? Was there truly only one Dylann Roof with the balls to stop talking and do something?
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How long have conservatives been so comfortable with Putin? |
I repeat. There is no way in the world that any person who plans to win the most distinguished office in the world would ever taint the job before getting it. The only reason you taint that post is not because you don't believe you can win it, but because you never really wanted it.
Maybe he'll have the nerve to admit it one day during an exclusive interview on Trumpivision. While embarrassing, could you imagine his ratings?
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