Friday, May 29, 2015

Touching Our Guns Drives Many American's Crazy

Guns don't kill people. especially since crazy people will kill with or without guns. I felt the need to clear up the image of guns since gun sales double every time we even hint about weapon laws

James Holmes is crazy.

Not like you and I who all suffer from some level of mental instability at times.  James Holmes is at war with voices in his own head, and the voices took over on one Dark Night.  In his own words- spoken to his own psychologist prior to the Dark Knight movie release that inspired Holmes to color his hair and boobie-trap his apartment with bombs since he would likely die in a hail of bullets- Holmes was losing the war within himself.

Is killing James Holmes the right way
to stop the rise of more crazed killer's?

What could we have learned from
the mind's of Klebold and Harris?
Sentencing that Boston Marathon murderer to death seems agreeable to the blood lust region of the black side of my heart.  Killing Holmes doesn't feel the same for me.  In fact, keeping him locked up in a jail and not a sophisticated psyche ward for crazed killers waiting on justice seems off tilt as well.  Is a police detective or the FBI actually the best first interview for criminals of this sort?

Typically, the kind of gunfire that takes more of our societal purity ends with the death of the gunmen, so exploring the minds of our crazed killers is mostly uncharted seas.  Rarely, to almost never, do we get to explore the mind of a societal rapist' who we think capital punishment will justify.  Is their death and our ignorance truly bliss or can we seek to learn from the minds of terror?

Imagine a chance to talk to Klebold and Harris.  What directions could they give us towards dealing with people like them?  Maybe we could try to convince Holmes to help solve a plot similar to his own by someone with problems similar to his own.  Could an animal find a propensity to protect as even a killer grizzly does at times?  If we saw past the animal that Holmes appears to be, could we learn to help avoid the kind of animal Holmes and others have become?

If we are never able to explore the minds of another domestic terrorist, is it reasonable to at least keep crazy people away from certain tools of death- or monitor them if they purchase one or more of these tools as Holmes did in preparation for that fateful day?  Might many off these same people- especially those already seeking help like Holmes was- actually consent to being monitored during their mental warfare before they're losing too bad to ask anymore?

If that sounds too much like gun control, I apologize to anyone that I've offended.  Your weapons are safe, so please don't double and triple your personal armory whenever you hear the words crazy people and guns in the same conversation.
We're talking about James Holmes kind of crazy.  Not you.

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