Not why did she announce herself in the race- she's on her second go round at this and the announcement has mostly been a foregone conclusion. Not even why did she announce it so soon, though a later announcement might have allowed her the freedom to ride the wave of free attack publicity that keeps driving her towards 100% name recognition. The attacks against her began before she joined the race so they will lose their sting and their legitimacy with pointless repetition. Eventually, unwarranted attacks will be sniffed out for their misogynistic roots and become counter support in Clinton's favor, so she didn't need to join the race just to counter her attackers.
The WHY of Hillary is- why bother? Hillary knows more than any other person in the land how difficult the job used to be when her beau was boss, and how much worse its become since diversity has invaded the presidency. If America was tough on Brother Barack, what the hell will they do to Hillary? Racism might be one of those shortcomings that WE struggle to resolve, but sexism is a lonely war primarily being addressed by courageous women who fight for others by destroying typical stereotypes.
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Where does Clinton stand on Loretta Lynch? |
Once upon a time ago, Hillary Clinton was the Elizabeth Warren of her time. Warren ascended out of the realm of academia and continues to make you believe that she is simply displaying the same kind of passion that she gave to her students. Not that Warren
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Is Elizabeth Warren a president in waiting? |
So Why Bother?
Why does Hillary want to be president? Does she see an opportunity to pursue to passion of her early adulthood- an opportunity to repair children and families from the top down, or is Hillary running because EVERYBODY believes she can win and women deserve such a victory? Is this ONLY an effort to further the cause of women's rights or is Hillary Clinton truly the right answer for America of today?
I support the cause of women as much as most. My five daughters (no son's) and wife give me ample cause to join. Nonetheless, I recognize- at times- that even women further the cause of sexism in their distrust of one another. Republicans did not struggle to find Carly Fiorina, the anointed attack cat for Hillary, because women are allowed to freely attack one another without their motives being assigned to sexism. Just as blacks have been conditioned to distrust other blacks, especially ones who appear to be different, women have been conditioned in a world ripe with sexist ways and means. As a result of the conditioning of sexism, millions of women will enter the ballot box with a natural urge to further the cause of women, and will leave the box haven succumbed to a subconscious fear that women are unstable and not to be trusted. Male presidents have had sex with a gorgeous blond actress and a not as gorgeous brunette intern, yet we still assume that men are more designed for the post than the women who powerfully compromise them?
Overcoming the male ego
Undoubtedly, some of future president Clinton's advice will come from powerful men who often usurp one another in the ego driven war that is maledom. The likelihood that she will have to slap down over-driven male ego's is as certain as the first news report that will blame one of her bad decisions on being a woman. Why would any woman want to be the martyr for the almost insurmountable cause of shattering a glass ceiling that Hillary ruptured into 18 million little cracks with her last run at the White House. Warren could win the democratic primary, but she doesn't have the kind of name recognition that will make Hillary a difficult out this time around. More importantly, Warren doesn't want the job.
Does Hillary Really Want the Job?
Until she does a good job convincing us otherwise, Hillary Rodham Clinton is running for the president of the United States because the cause demands her. She will be in her 70's if she completes one term. Nearly 80 if she does two. The years of being a grandma are threatening to become worse than her years as a mother with a schedule too busy to focus on the children in her own family. As president, children are a conceptual reality that is bigger and less tangible than the squishy fingers and toes of your own kids and grandkids that presidents sacrifice for the greater good.
I do not support Hillary for president because I don't think she wants the job nearly as much as she wants to further the cause, and this job is way too nasty to go into it blind or less than willing. Unlike every other president before her, Hillary's hesitance is not from the darkness before her because her experience places a bright light on her path. Can she change the office of the presidency for the greater good? Maybe, but she can clearly further the cause of women's rights, although, is that alone worth getting in the race?
Women have the power to dictate the direction of every election if they so choose. As a result, each candidate will have to deliver a convincing message to women if they hope to win. I love women deeply and support the cause of their advancement sincerely, yet I would not wish the office of the presidency on any woman I love, nor do I believe the job is best suited for a person who's biggest inspiration for the job is the symbol she represents to women. Hillary understands this job better than any other candidate that is likely to run, but her ability and qualifications cannot erase the question of WHY.
If the answer becomes, "for the cause of women", Hillary Clinton will need every woman in America to join the cause or she will not win. When she lost the last time around, she made quick reference to the ruptured glass ceiling. Being the red carpet front runner this time around probably represents the final destruction of that already ruptured ceiling, but its not easy walking that red carpet gracefully because the stress of the limelight causes missteps. Hillary could walk her way into the presidency, but not without perfectly placed stumbling blocks along the way, maybe even the shattered glass itself. Hillary will win if she treats the little bits of falling glass as a foregone conclusion of being the first female president and convinces each of us that she wants to be president for reasons bigger than the cause of women.
Until then, the question remains.
Why Hillary? Why?
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