If indeed there is a vital necessity for America, the land of freedom- home of the brave, our media is the vital conduit of the freedom we enjoy, a virtual mirror if you will.
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Under president Bashar Al-Asaad, Syria was a mess long before ISIS came to take over. |
Yet, on the other end of the recording stands a human being with all the natural frailty that every human experiences. Most people simply see the mic or camera as an opportunity to connect others or to connect ourselves with our world, but a sacred few recognize them as the mantle in which more wrong than right is likely when not handled with care.When any modern political leader finds them self at the wrong end of the microphone, the challenge of prudent rhetoric comes to fore.
Why Should We Share A Plan?
The most wise and lucid response to the matter called radical Islamic terrorism came when the man in tan said, "we don't have a plan..... yet". In reality, we still do not know the plan for what will become of Syria even as we fight to help the good guys of Iraq maintain all of the hard work we did when removing Sadaam Hussein. Longstanding unrest in Syria has opened the doors to ISIS fighters anxious to enact their Islamic social engineering plan on any middle eastern soil that they can acquire. Any plan for Syria will take years and multiple presidents to play out and will be dictated by the long-term will of those desperate for an Islamic state, not those hopeful to stop it. Millions of Muslims actually support the caliphate mission of ISIS (including 16% of citizens in France) even if they despise their methods of achieving it.

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Can WE ever remove the stick? |
President Obama has essentially sent this kind of American boots on the ground leadership to Iraq already, but he can't publicly emphasize their role or their clear and present danger if he hopes to remain the president who also brought our men home from Iraq. Even Afghanistan has a residual force (9,800 troops) left behind that most Americans are oblivious to. Two years remaining in office will be way too long to think that air strikes alone will allow this president to delay detailed actions in Iraq and Syria, so Obama must recognize that the microphones and cameras are circling around him, and a more specified plan must materialize.
What are you going to do about the beheading's? What about that burned pilot? How are you going to supplant ISIS and Asaad all at the same time? Why did you wear a tan suit to a press conference?
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Does the media pressure politicians into compromising America's security? |
Maybe real war is the right answer (despite our war fatigue)?
Whether real war, fake (airstrike) war or NFL football, having a plan and telling your plan are prehistoric philosophies that only help to inform and incite an enemy that does not deserve advance notice. Since critics will criticize regardless of the detailed plan, detailing a plan only helps politicians to appear as if they have a plan to begin with. Once you actually accomplish your goals, the successful plan will reveal itself anyway, so detailing a plan often opens it up to criticism and failure. Thanks to the western media, whether its in our best interest or not WE say too damn much!
Strategic ignorance is calculated brilliance in disguise and can produce dividends in areas beyond a Superbowl pursuit. Marshawn Lynch and Bill Belichick can't be the only two people in the world smart enough to proceed carefully when in the presence of media, but modern politicians seem confused by the lessons of these grid iron greats. Politicians once wrote the book on how to be functionally vague, but its beginning to seem as though they've never read it. In a nation in which the next campaign begins when the last one ends, the once reasonable hope for international affairs free of political posturing is becoming a distant memory as unprepared politicians open their mouths to give answers long before they have even thought about the questions.
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Christians who've closely read Gen 1:26-27 have had to reconcile a connection between evolution and creation. |
Let Us Make Man In Our Own Image -Genesis 1:26
Humans are a reflection of our divine creation- of each other, and of society as a whole. Within the success and failures of this society that we've created for ourselves lies the hope for tomorrow. Sometimes life beats you down until your last best hope comes from another persons failure. By shoving microphones and cameras in the face of another, we can be entertained by their unlikely success or revel in the bruises that they get while tripping and falling on tape. Some of the players in this performance are on the quest for power while others actually derive power from the pain of someone else. Public disclosure does allow your pain to be my business, but at what point do WE compromise the quality of our existence for the right to be empowered? As we seek to expose and heal the depths of our own depravity, the cameras and mics have become a caustic mirror that WE are using to replay and continuously expose unhealed wounds.
Mirrors Are Good?
Mirrors are healthy for healthy people, but the sickest of human beings typically shun the mirror or destroy them altogether. WE should never stop using mirrors just because some people can't stand reflections, but we have to recognize that the faces the media hopes to expose with their mirrors are never totally someone else.
In the end, the only people WE can actually fix reside on the other side of the mirror.
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