If not Romney or Christie or Ryan or Rubio, than who? Republicans are not tingling over any candidate because they are terrified about the fantastic four, Bill and Hillary, Barack and Michelle. Obama has already handed over his campaign engine to the Hillary for president prospect team even though she has yet to announce.
Obamacare is more than a signature piece of legislation, it is an historical marker. It's success will return credibility to the president that was lost during the ACA roll out. Its failure will return the republicans to the white house with little demand for an opposing agenda outside of a repeal. No matter what opposing idea that conservatives offer over the next two years, they will still have the demand of getting it to the office of the president for approval. Way too much of the republican agenda has been attached to deficit reduction anyway. Deficit reduction is always reasonable in theory but does not gain much bi-partisan support in the midst of a sputtering economy.
Despite the screams from the masses for a solution to the healthcare crises, republicans must double down on the destruction of Obamacare and put a little more heat on Obama in the process. The botched roll out put this duck on the fire and those who crave roasted lame duck are determined to throw every log they have at this fire to make sure Obama's goose gets fully cooked. A powerful president in any election has the risk of overwhelming republicans in every election, including the upcoming elections of 2014 and 2016.
The house will remain in the hands of republicans, but the senate and the white house are up for grabs. Grab them all and the game changes for republicans. Lose any two and the republican goose will be cooked and feasted on by democrats for a few years.
In Washington D.C., roasted foul is the rave, especially from the hind quarters of the opposition.
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