The 2 hour press conference is over and he allowed as much as a Bully can allow. He kept the vultures at bay and dictated who would answer questions until the press understood who was the....well....bully. He made it clear that he saves his bullying for important moments and he last bullied when asking his entire team who knew what......and they lied. No, he is not bullying them into taking the real knife right now, but he damn sure bullied them when he asked them to tell him the truth, and they did not.
That's his story and he's sticking to it. Hopefully his sacrificial lambs won't decide to go Robert Gates and write a book until after he is no longer the president, but will this keep him from that impossible dream? Do we really care that in New Jersey you might get a road closed if you don't co-sign the correct candidate?
Does anybody quite understand why closing a road for no reason is good for anybody in New Jersey?
I hate stupid stories!
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