The most powerful movement in America is undoubtedly the Libertarian party because they are not a party defined by the suburban exodus and redistricting. The Libertarian party and their small government ideology can be found deeply entrenched within every community of America. On every level, they have candidates to choose from. Yet, even they realize that they are an offshoot of the two party reality and must make some firm decisions in coming elections. Vote on principle and risk the danger of weakening the conservative vote, or vote to block democrats and risk marginalizing your own movement at its moment of truth. According to recent news, they have decided on what is in it for them.
Libertarians have no real choice in this matter because there is only death on the margins. The opportunity to gain a chair at the table must be taken advantage of, and the two party failure seems to be opening the door to several open seats. This will hurt Republicans who will lose a significant number of conservative votes, but the issue's that challenge America will conspire to hurt the entire conservative message until ALL modern conservatives find a better delivery system for the cure that their ideas promise. Mostly, their solutions seem to ignore the past failures (regardless who you blame) as though the damage can erase itself. This could be nothing more than the perception, but we all know that until a perception changes, it is the only reality you have, and the one that may determine coming elections. When the hand of conservative policy is not perceived as saving people from the edges, than they must extend their reach to change the perception.
Americans understands the value of the Earned Income redistribution scheme. We realize that tax breaks for charitable giving helps charities and helps people who typically pay taxes in April. Most of us even understand how enterprise zones or corporate subsidies are valuable to the growth of industry, even if we doubt the the trickle down mechanism's that control these corporations. While a bunch of people are mad about ObamaCare, many more people are physically and financially safer as a result of this government action. Libertarian's are growing because they may be the flag bearers of the live and let live or WIIFM (What's In It For Me) ideology that people will always have a keen ear for.
Some have even conflated the Libertarian message to say that small government means government should ONLY intervene for our physical safety and to keep us safe from fraud. Sounds absolutely reasonable until you ask each individual Libertarian which programs and regulations they would personally eliminate. Suddenly they become lost in the political jungle just like the rest of America; realistic about the damage of government and its expensive handouts, but too concerned with our own needs to agree on what should go.
The only department that we will ever eliminate from our wasteful government is the one that we all agree must go. Right now we are still waiting for that first agreement. No matter how uninformed and unintelligent we characterize poor people as, all people have an amazing capacity to grab tightly to the hand that rescue's you from a falling cliff even if we missed out on who's foot on your head put you there to begin with.
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