Not that I'm saying I told you so, but I told you so.

The cover picture to the movie "Mitt" is one of him fresh after Ann scrambles his hair up at the end of a tough debate. The caption reads "Whatever side you're on, see another side". Why?
If the answer is to sell the Netflix movie to the masses then I would understand the caption. Since I watched that movie days ago when Mitt gave it away for free on YouTube, I am left asking why. Either Mitt is in collaboration with the release of this movie, or he is in breach of some copyright law.
When you finish watching this film you are left with a certainty that Ann Romney could never endure another run. Now Ann Romney seems ready to publicly lament the failure of America to make the correct choice. In the film, his family seemed happier that he lost than Barack himself. However, his consistent need to remain relevant since the defeat is not being driven by financial reason's. The only thing that compels Romney or Palin or Cain or any of those political mouthpieces that keep swallowing microphones is the vision of another chance, or appearance checks. Romney is so wealthy that he probably loses appearance checks in route to the bank, so its becoming harder and harder to disregard his constant pursuit of relevancy.
According to Mitt, the person that was hired to capture this video was given the freedom to use it as he pleased just as long as he waited until after Romney's presidency, which didn't happen. Are we suppose to assume that this was pro bono filming with the payment being the ownership of the film? Most people would hire him to document your story, pay him for his effort and keep your home movie to yourself. Some of this footage goes all the way back to the first run at the presidency. It shows a few interesting self deprecating moments in which he describes himself as the flipping Mormon, but if you look carefully his is not really attacking himself but deeply contemplating on how to destroy the notion.
Mitt Romney has been called the flipping Mormon from way back when he ran and won the governors race in Massachusetts. To a business man, every obstacle is nothing more than a brainstorming session and a coordinated plan away from becoming forgotten history. This business man has accomplished so much in the world of profit generation that he simply turns voters into a monetary achievement and stacks them up like gold.
What Romney is missing is that it he is trying to make his story history, which is the only story that can get him elected. He is treating America like the next business deal in which you simply need to clarify the assets from the liabilities more clearly than the opposition. Most importantly, Mitt Romney is doing one of the most dangerous versions of Monday morning quarterbacking. Mitt is listening to the discontent with Obama to sooth his own campaign failures.
Mitt is becoming so utterly confused by the voices of Obama dissent, he hardly recognizes that many of them are the same one's who did not like George Bush either. America has it's own party of dissent, and anything that feels like government (or government as usual) brings these folks out of the woodwork. They are the one's who uncovered Area 51 even if they were wrong about what is in it. Right now they are researching 9-11 conspiracy theories.
Mitt Romney has allowed that same crowd to trick him into thinking that he simply miscalculated his corporate takeover plan a bit.
As for Ann?
You know what ride or die wives do. They complain, and then they jump in the car.
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