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Concerns about Michael Flynn came early, yet Trump chose to
ignore them along with other FBI warnings about Russia.
The question of last hour was whether or not Trump could remain silent about the "Roseanne" matter, or at least say something that wasn't on Twitter and attempted to offer unity and solace towards something beyond his Trumpian base. He is trying dearly to take the cameras off of Russian collusion and the obstruction efforts to hide it by fast tracking negotiations with a dictator he castigated a few weeks ago.
As we wait to learn what is in that North Korea letter Trump is so excited to be reading soon, keep in mind the letter Trump sent and the person he sent it to. Is there a chance that Kim Jong Un didn't read it or did he not understand? Do you think North Korea doesn't realize the shady deal maker Trump is known to be? Might Kim Jong Un be oblivious to the American election cycle and the dwindling amount of time left to worry about Trump? If Trump is unable to achieve the unreasonable denuclearization dream he is chasing, is Kim Jong Un not prepared for him to send another angry letter, or worse?
Why Give Up Your Leverage?
Despite his attempts to behave otherwise, Donald J. Trump was not raised by dictators nor is he hell bent on fulfilling the legacy of dictators like Kim Jong Un is. Giving up his nuclear weapons would contradict his family legacy and compromise the only leverage that has him potentially meeting with Trump soon.
When you consider what motivates him, Trump is but a seedy, greedy Obama hater and a volatile tea kettle. He runs from hot to not and back again, and he screams all of his fears and insecurities on Twitter for North Korea and everybody else to analyze daily. The tea kettle we call Trump is quite heated over whatever he fears Special Counsel Lead Investigator, Bob Mueller will find against him, and he will likely continue howling loudly from now until Congress says enough already.
The challenge with a president who is a heated kettle full of hot water is the intensity of noise hot kettles are intended to make. For a functional reason, they are designed to be a noise that drowns out most other sounds. It's not that screaming hot kettles are necessarily dangerous, but they can easily become a hazard if ignored and left to blow steam for too long.
Donald J. Trump is a blatant liar, but kind people don't say such things to other people. Calling someone a cunt (something most are fond of despite the vulgarity of the word) or a liar (something we generally agree to despise) is not quite as disgusting as calling people animals, however, calling someone a liar assumes certain truths about a person without the benefit of being inside of their lying ass head.
Kind people have resisted the urge to be so direct and presumptuous, or to call this man a liar without equivocation. Similarly, the media and elected public servants have resisted the urge to talk about impeachment or to make leaping assumptions about provable facts in fear of calling a sitting a president a non-truth telling criminal without giving him the benefit of innocence until proven guilty and general decorum.
I haven't asked him personally, but I'm am fairly certain that Donald J. Trump considers every one of you who prescribes to the shut up about impeachment theory as branding and marketing idiots. While he might not be great at finishing taxes, selling steaks, running casinos, silencing porn stars or being a president thus far, he is obviously good at branding and marketing.
If Trump were responsible for characterizing Trump, it would look a lot like the character assassinations he did to every political opponent he has faced in route to the presidency. Yet, Nancy Pelosi's insistence on keeping the Democrats focused on politics as normal proves that she still can not understand how or why he became president and that some political norms don't apply to Trump.
Because we've attempted to ignore impeachment, we've ignored the direct conversation that would invite a more detailed discussions about all of the reasons he deserves it. In essence, we've functionally ignored the noisy tea kettle by focusing on his intentional distractions instead of simply removing him. At this point in his presidency, WE are in danger of burning ourselves down, including our trust of our own intelligence community if WE can't save ourselves from the noisy kettle that keeps crying wolf.
Let's be clear about the real news versus the fake since Trump has branded and marketed an FBI informant as a campaign spy. In reality, Trump and Clinton and Congress were warned of Russia's meddling, and that so-called spy was an FBI informant who was doing the exact job America paid him or her to do in conjunction with the warning.
Does that remove the need for questions of the FBI?
Through a history of intentional misdeeds, the FBI has earned whatever doubt WE have of them. Add to that our general expectation of government corruption and you start to understand the methods and mechanisms (Inspector General) enacted for oversight and for internally investigating high levels of government when needed.
Congress used to be one of those methods of oversight before the tea kettle burned down the House Intelligence Committee via Chair Devin Nunes (CA) and Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (WI), who empowered the arsonist Nunes. Ryan is set to leave Congress right after the November elections and right before non-political junkies start to discover the role he played in allowing Nunes to aid and abet Trump's efforts against the Mueller investigation into his campaign. History will remember Ryan for his role in all of this.
Meanwhile, the Senate Intelligence Committee has attempted to maintain its oversight duties, its impartial posture and the rule of law, but even they have recently been used as a political tool for a president willing to sacrifice the confidentiality of FBI informants and the future of our nation as he openly obstructs the investigation into his conspiracy to defraud America (aka., collusion).
By presidential edict, Trump hereby demanded that the FBI unmask the person assigned to confront the same Russians he was warned about during the campaign. In the court of law, that Twitter demand for unmasking that informant will someday read as textbook obstruction. In the halls of Congress, its another laughable case of Trump being Trump, nothing to see here. From the mouth of the branding marketer we call president, the FBI should have informed him he was colluding, so its their fault.
Lets call it "SpyGate"
Even House Oversight Chairman, Trey Gowdy (Ark), has debunked the claims that Donald Trump keeps making about "SpyGate", but not before the very word "SpyGate" was branded and attached to the Mueller investigation and marketed for public consumption.
Donald J. Trump, our president, is a liar and a deceiver and a despicable human who refers to other humans as animals to justify treating them inhumanely. He is also very good at branding and marketing and lying in the face of crisis with the use of marketing and branding. What politicians once called spin has become a Charlotte's web of lies and confusion through the lips of this president. Now, with his presidency struggling for legitimacy amidst an investigation that keeps uncovering colluders, liars and witches (oh my), Trump is back on the campaign trail selling the public snake oil from an ancient serpent infamous for division and strife.
When his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, announced the decision to take toddlers and infants away from migrant parents in the hopes of discouraging refugees and asylum seekers, Trump chose to market the decision as a Democrat law while painting its detractors as MS-13 supporters.
Thanks to this imploding president, lovers of the Second Amendment have taken arms against gun control and against the First Amendment which is also under fire as Trump chisels at the credibility of the press, diminishing their distinct purpose within our dying dream of a Democracy.
Meanwhile, Trump appears to be taking full advantage of whatever time he has left to put an accent on racial division while stuffing his pockets with as much legally extorted money as he can muster for he and his children who all have legal problems now. All of these things could fall under the pervue of "high crimes and misdemeanors" if anyone on earth knew what the hell all that means or what became of our system of checks and balances?
What WE now know is that a Congress that is missing its spine can not be co-equal to anything. What WE don't know is whether or not the Founding Fathers knew that their system of checks and balances could potentially get distorted by a Congress complicit to a pay-for-play president.
Trump has yet to fire Bob Mueller from investigating his campaign and its connection to Russia before, during and after the 2016 election even though he continues to call an investigation that has rendered multiple convictions, indictments and guilty pleas, a witch hunt.

Because the Democrats have intentionally chosen to avoid talking about impeachment, America has no clue about the amount of confirmed witches in the Donald Trump orbit or that Trump could very well be one himself. A successful investigation that is assumed to be a failure is successful marketing and branding by the opposition anyway you look at it.
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This is Alex Van Der Zwann. He is
the first witch to go to jail for his
crime in the Mueller investigation.
Has avoiding talks of impeachment helped Donald Trump but hurt Democrats and America?
Did a Michael Avenatti Storm appear and stir up so much discovery in the collusion case that we can no longer piece together all of the things we've found?
Mid-term elections are likely to be the place in which these questions get answered, however, it is unsettling to think that the same guy who pussy grabbed and disability mocked his way to the White House could now be stealing from the Vladimir Putin playbook and running a propaganda campaign against his own intelligence community.
Aside from acting more innocent and ending the kind of nepotism that might force Congress to create better laws against it, Trump also needs to stop saving Chinese cell phone companies that harm Americans, especially days before we discover several new patents given to Ivanka Trump by the same Chinese government that asked you to save their cell phone company.
The seeds of impeachment are spread all over that previous paragraph. But, until the American public can digest it clearly enough to be enraged, the media will need to explain it more slowly by watering one topic at a time and giving it all a chance to take root.
Bob Mueller is a capable farmer and way too focused on simultaneously watering several seeds of suspicion to explain to us what to expect from just one. The harvest from his endeavor will inevitably speak for itself, nonetheless, under-watering or prematurely forcing too many under-developed seedlings of information into the light of day could jeopardize the profitability of the harvest.
Stated a bit more clearly, people won't buy it if Mueller's harvest doesn't look appealing enough to warrant the very high price WE are expending on all of this. If the American public fails to see the success that Mueller is achieving, they may fail to continue to support the pursuit. At the very least, that's what Trump wants, rule of law be damned.
Stated a bit more clearly, people won't buy it if Mueller's harvest doesn't look appealing enough to warrant the very high price WE are expending on all of this. If the American public fails to see the success that Mueller is achieving, they may fail to continue to support the pursuit. At the very least, that's what Trump wants, rule of law be damned.
Donald J. Trump is the most important law enforcement official in the nation but the least interested in what happened to our election or in stopping it from happening again. It is becoming more and more accepted that nothing could be more destructive to the fiber of American exceptionalism than Trump, and nothing could be more important to Putin and other world dictators than the destruction of American exceptionalism.
Will the American people look back on 2018 and worry that WE just didn't realize how bad things were under Trump until it was too late to stop him? Will the anticipated Big Blue wave of Democrats in Congress save US from Trump or will 2018 represent the year Trump branded the American identity with divisiveness and marketed it alongside his commemorative coin from the North Korean nuclear negotiations?
WE can no longer hide from the international embarrassment our constitution enabled without addressing the Constitution, the Two-party/Electoral college enablement and the disinterested voter enablers.....or a combination of all three.