What we are experiencing right now is a form of a litmus test and it is being conducted at the hands of the two leading candidates for president.
On the republican side, there is a test of whether or not a republican candidate can achieve their ultimate mission with Fox News in an adversarial posture against them.
As it stands, Fox is not necessarily an adversary to Donald Trump, but they have yet to fully resolve that Megan Kelly beef or the underlying sense that each reporter on the network is totally torn between their gut journalistic instinct and front office instructions.
The best we can tell thus far, Trump is winning this war and has forced Fox to cater or lose access to a candidate who doesn't currently need any one network to achieve his purpose since each of them seems eager to chase after an interview by phone, in flight or with Trump Towers decorating the backdrop.
Whether or not Trump's posturing will ever need to extrapolate out into the details we seek still lingers in the wind since Donald gave into the GOP by signing that Pledge of allegiance, and Fox gave into Donald by treating him with kid gloves, leaving no one left (but Hugh Hewitt) to corner Donald on details.
Trumps republican opponents will soon have to wage a combine and conquer approach to take out Trump if they can, and then we will see if the GOP party is truly ready to let Trump lead them into permanent change from having to give themselves over to the most liberal republican EVER.
This is a statement campaign worthy of watching for that reason alone, but that is a sideshow to the war between Clinton and the predominant liberal press.
Can Clinton actually win the White House against the will of a LIBERAL mass media still trying to make her say sorry?
Somehow the really smart media thinks Hillary is stupid enough to hope sorry solves the problem. The moment she says sorry, the question evolves towards new questions of what exactly is there to be sorry for, the actual behaviors or the perception?
The media is a fraternity that only really respects journalistic integrity.
Translation: the media will search for gotcha moments or obscure military groups like the Quds instead of the familiar Kurdish fighting group to confuse candidates who didn't read the Cliff Notes before the interview, and they will try to make Clinton trip, fall and grovel to their feet just to get a hand up from them, which notoriously never comes.
Why Do You Think They're Called The Press?
Every politicians has been placed in the media wine press to determine their quality and tolerance. This campaign season, however, a couple of these grapes are not nearly as fragile as usual- kind of with a rubbery, push back quality in fact.
For years in wine and politics, we've only focused on the grape quality looking for stronger varieties that would project powerfully before the world while succumbing to the squeeze of the press as a necessity to the process.
Modern mass media- and wine making- are a whole new world now since do it yourself options have thoroughly invaded each industry. While home brewed wine has only added to the richness and vastness of an industry that more people understand and deeply engage in, Twitter and Facebook and Yahoo and cable television and everything else that is twice as fast as waiting for that newspaper or network news report, has changed the media in a unique way that we've yet to give a thumbs up or down to.
Is The Media NOW On The Ballot?
The Summer of Donald has been the season in which a potential presidential candidate tweeted his way to the top. It might also become the summer that America's most powerful politician finally gets placed on the presidential ballot too- so to speak.
If Trump can actually continue his campaigning without really spending a dime of his billions, he will have done it without a SuperPAC in tow, showing each of US that money is powerful, but not insurmountable if you have media savvy.
That is equally the statement being made in this war against the mass media that Trump and Clinton are actually winning right now.
I have seen the light. And it is good. Not only are Trump and Clinton fighting common enemies, they are doing together. |
So yeah! Add the mass media and even SuperPAC's to my list of groups under coordinated attack by both lead candidates in this election. I can say with certainty that each of these candidates are individually coordinating against the GOP elite, the mass media and SuperPAC's out of individual necessity.
Are Trump/Clinton also working together?
Was it originally a drunken joke during Donald's wedding reception or an accidental occurrence that is distorted in perception?
If Clinton was to have a presidential coronation, Trump is providing the red carpet and an etched in history example of how to own the mass media, still the most irresponsibly dangerous politician alive, even worse than Trump.
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