What exactly is a Trust Gap anyway? I am somewhat of an etymologist in my spare time. More modestly I can declare myself a 7th grade middle school spelling bee champion. While I have a love of words, I am confident that most people, if given the words "Trust" or "Gap", could both spell them and give the definition without an etymology background or a spelling bee title. For some crazy reason I am totally befuddled when these words are conjoined by Republican's as an explanation for why we endured 2 weeks (and counting) of "you lie'd Obama". Now, I do understand that lies have consequences, and lost trust is usually the negative impact of dishonesty. However, what means a lot in marriages and in friendships has historically not applied to politics. In politics there has always been creative license given to facts. In fact, I assumed that all news outlets who cover politics operated with this same assumption. Why would I assume such a thing?

FACT CHECKERS!!! How many times during the campaign did we listen to a 1 hour debate followed by a 3 hour game of BS. Every half truth, part truth, "true..but" or other variation of truth that travels a journey from imperical fact into the pit of outright deception was parsed and dissected. We have always known that politicians create soundbites. When Obama chewed up his campaign approach into the soundbite "If you like it you can keep it", fact checkers did state that he "mostly" told to truth. Republicans who are afraid of the imminent rise of Hillary have pointed out how she too said the same thing until Obama called her out for the statement (and then promplty used it for re-election).

My point! This was not news, this was opportunity. Like Benghazi, the Republicans are up against the ropes and are watching the referee threaten to step in to stop the fight. The worst type of wild animal is the one backed into a corner and overdosed on Tea. Conservatives are now mounting the type of attack you witness in a cornered animal. In other words, they will attack wherever they see an opportunity because, in their eyes, they have nothing to lose.

So this is what I know for certain? Trust is defined as an element of confidence that one places in another as a result of consistent positive performance. A gap is, simply put, the distance between what you expect and what you actually have. The Trust Gap must then be the difference between the confidence that we had and that which we have now. Cleary that gap could not have gained so much daylight with conservatives due to a website launch. The actual truth is currently racing towards the aforementioned pit of deception. I challenge any opponent of the President to clarify to me the difference between the trust you had for our Kenyan born President and the trust that you have now that he has made healthcare affordable to most via the ACA? Was your trust reflected in the election booth or is this a lower threshold of trust that we are addressing?
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