If I didn't follow this stuff so closely I would not be bothering you with my opinions. I love and hate the media at the same time. Only in America can you denegrate the office of the President in a way that would have you executed for treason in most countries in our world.
I can imagine that somewhere in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, U.S.A., when Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, born January 12, 1951, grew to imagine his future, he first imagined himself as President of the United States of America. I know this because I too used to dream of being the President..........and then I heard how bad they spoke about Jimmy Carter. I watched as a young child as the media systematically destroyed the guy I looked up to for his NOBEL prize and the Camp David legacy. To this day they demean a truly great American and my favorite President of all time. As my Carter anger subsided, I found myself eerily aware that the media who controls the presentation and thus the representation of all news is perhaps much more powerful than the President that I longed to emulate.

Unfortunately, Rush beat me to that notion. Back in he early 50's (1951 to be exact), seeded in the humid morning dew of Cape Girardeau, Missouri was the same mystical notion that I thought was my own childhood brilliance. Rush Hudson III discovered that he could take over the world from the meager confines of a simple office building. He did not realize the logistics of course, but President Rush Hudson III would grow to reside over the EIB (Excellence In Broadcasting)kingdom that is the sole licensed distributor of the most powerful elixir known to man. So powerful is this elixir that it could not be bottled or sold and has generated the most significant movement in American politics, the conservative/ Tea Party/ Libertarian/right wing civil war.
I realize that I am offering a glorious build up, but you must realize how badly I wished I could be President when I was young and how sad I grew as I aged and realized that black people can't win Presidential elections anyway. In some ways I sort of settled on the dream of running my own media outlet because I could see that slimy politicians seemed to have slimy media outlets to support their biddings. Rush Limbaugh is the embodiment of shunning corporate slime and garnering world changing power without subscribing to any mandate or party influence. He is....simply stated.....my mentor.

Yet, righteous indignation is a kool-aid that causes ones eyes to look down the bridge of the nose. Even Christian liberals suffer from this problem, but within the realm of conservative Christian's, the kool-aid is getting distilled like southern moonshine. In fact, they started to call it Tea because kool-aid is such a cheap drink of the commoner.
When Rush Hudson III got wind of this new drink, he (not a religious zealot) moved to insure that he would maintain and even grow his place within the conservative hierarchy. In a brilliant move of foresight and sacrifice, Rush Hudson III gave up his last name to the production line of his own EIB network and started creating Limbaugh Tea, the most desirable flavor of conservative drink around.

If you look at a modern electoral map it is a scary feeling because you see a picture of a massive exodus away from urban regions or states with strong urban populations. When too many coloreds move into Highlands Ranch, Centennial, Parker, or Castle Rock, Colorado (aka. the suburbs) then conservatives ran to Montana or the Dakota's to get that less integrated prairie lifestyle. Scared city dwellers who are spooked by the massive red on our electoral map need not worry because only wealthy conservatives have the access to the exodus. The rest of them are stuck living next door to your liberal #$$ and are bitter at how terribly useless it is to even go to the polls on most elections (see voter suppression). Limbaugh Tea has given Rush Hudson III power over all that red area you see on the electoral map; a power greater than any politician. Show me a conservative who dares challenge the treason talk of Rush Hudson III and I will show you a former office holder or one waiting to become a former office holder.

Republicans pretend to be at war with liberalism, but liberalism is a necessary evil that contributes to their fundraising efforts. What would conservatives do if not point out the folly of liberal policy? We've already decided that trickle down is an unproven theory.

My head hurts!
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