The rancor towards President Obama masquerading as a fight against ObamaCare is revealing the truth about how polarized we remain as a nation. ObamaCare is the Law of the land yet opponents are waging war against it before it even gets a chance to achieve the damage that they promise it will. Since oxymorons hurt the brain a bit I will say that again. The problem that exists with the health exchange website is keeping Americans from signing on to the program, yet OPPONENTS of the new law COMPLAIN that people are unable to take advantage of something they wish to repeal anyway.
They are enraged because the President falsely promised that you could keep your health insurance even though this 3 year old law (which ALL media outlet fact checkers should have read)demands that all insurance become "real" insurance not bare bones insurance laced with exclusions or unreasonable deductibles that put families at financial risk. Are they begging for their lack of protections back as well so that they become uninsurable if they get sick? Have you heard of the grandfathering clause?
Masquerading rancor looks like Republicans complaining over a healthcare law of their own design (RomneyCare2.0) and bitter people begging to get back bare-bones/sub-standard/sub-par insurance because of the simple-minded principle of no government intrusion (until I ask you to). These are like people who would insist on driving their gas guzzling, pollution spewing pick up truck instead of taking a government credit for a Prius designed to save us all from rising gas prices. Should we repeal the individual mandate on car insurance as well?
After taking it on the chin with the election of America's first black President, opponents of the President vowed to rectify the embarrassment he represents to them. Soon after his first election, the President won a signature legislation battle with universal healthcare, he won a second term election and recently won the war against the government hijackers who attempted to defund ObamaCare. He is threatening to achieve comprehensive immigration reform and the potential for his legacy is equal to the war being waged against it. As right winged pundits cry over the dysfunctional website and the premium promise that was broken, they are quickly starting to show signs of head trauma from the Obama beat downs and have now resorted to throwing rocks and sticks. Not that rocks and sticks aren't useful. David made good use with such tools against Goliath. Conservatives are clearly throwing franticly and blindly.
These recent complaints have little to do with policy, and more to do with embarrassment and retaliation. Since he can no longer win another election, the last best hope is to try and tarnish his legacy, even at the risk of their own. Politicians have always lived in glass houses, the glass just used to be too milky white (so to speak) for anyone to take a look inside of this former good 'ol boys club. Turning the white house browner has been a double edged sword to all of America because integrating this club has only helped to clarify our view of the depths of political desperation. Our depths of social polarization. Our depths.
Republicans are waging a war that will resemble Vietnam when it is over. Lots of casualties, very difficult to get out of and impossible to call it a victory in the end.

Masquerading rancor looks like Republicans complaining over a healthcare law of their own design (RomneyCare2.0) and bitter people begging to get back bare-bones/sub-standard/sub-par insurance because of the simple-minded principle of no government intrusion (until I ask you to). These are like people who would insist on driving their gas guzzling, pollution spewing pick up truck instead of taking a government credit for a Prius designed to save us all from rising gas prices. Should we repeal the individual mandate on car insurance as well?
After taking it on the chin with the election of America's first black President, opponents of the President vowed to rectify the embarrassment he represents to them. Soon after his first election, the President won a signature legislation battle with universal healthcare, he won a second term election and recently won the war against the government hijackers who attempted to defund ObamaCare. He is threatening to achieve comprehensive immigration reform and the potential for his legacy is equal to the war being waged against it. As right winged pundits cry over the dysfunctional website and the premium promise that was broken, they are quickly starting to show signs of head trauma from the Obama beat downs and have now resorted to throwing rocks and sticks. Not that rocks and sticks aren't useful. David made good use with such tools against Goliath. Conservatives are clearly throwing franticly and blindly.
These recent complaints have little to do with policy, and more to do with embarrassment and retaliation. Since he can no longer win another election, the last best hope is to try and tarnish his legacy, even at the risk of their own. Politicians have always lived in glass houses, the glass just used to be too milky white (so to speak) for anyone to take a look inside of this former good 'ol boys club. Turning the white house browner has been a double edged sword to all of America because integrating this club has only helped to clarify our view of the depths of political desperation. Our depths of social polarization. Our depths.
Republicans are waging a war that will resemble Vietnam when it is over. Lots of casualties, very difficult to get out of and impossible to call it a victory in the end.
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