Why is this Ted
Cruz story even a story?
Before I defend my view on this, I understand that Mr. Cruz has an obligation as a leader of his state to try and do whatever he can to aid those he represents whenever he can. However, what exactly can Ted Cruz do other than pretend to be doing something while freezing his ass off along with everyone else?
Yes, I also understand that Ted Cruz decided to call his decision a mistake before I could finish this article, but do you think he thought it was a mistake when he was calling for security detail to safely guide him and his group to the airport? Of course not! This became a mistake for two reasons. The first and most significant is TMZ and the gotcha' culture it proliferates, and I will leave that at that.
The second and very significant reason as well, is the absence of #45 to go golfing right now and make Cruz' trip to Cancun seem less of a mistake. On a broader scale, the loss of the president who refuses to concede he lost the presidency has caused another problem that I’ll get into after I finish talking about our trip over Ted Cruz first.
Why Are WE Trippin' On The Ted Cruz Trip?
Let’s assume Ted
Cruz decided to jump on the telephones and call citizens around Texas from El Paso, a working electrical zone not connected to the Texas grid problem, just as Beto’ O’Rourke did. Wouldn’t it be necessary for Ted Cruz to NOT ONLY get on
the phone and call citizens of Texas like Beto’ O’Rourke did, but he would have
to film it, Tweet it, or announce on television news that he’s calling citizens
of Texas, just like Beto’ O’Rourke did, in order for any of us to know he did it?
In fact, why do we even know Beto’ O’Rourke called citizens of Texas to check on them? It’s because we found out Ted Cruz took a trip to Cancun and we needed to compare and contrast just to embarrass him!
Or am I missing something?!
Stories Like This?
I can’t help but wonder what became of the Florida whistleblower story, especially in light of recent whistleblowing reports against Gov. Cuomo of New York? Maybe the comparison is somewhat unfair because, despite the similar allegations of intimidation connected to both stories, Gov. Cuomo seems to be fully cooperating with the investigation against him. To date, no formal investigation against Florida and its Governor has been announced in the same fashion of the Cuomo investigation.
Rebekah Jones, the Florida whistleblower, was still being pressured by law enforcement officials many months after being fired from her job and there is no announcement about why they did it nor is their an apparent DOJ investigation into that matter in Florida either. Does anyone believe the Covid-19 numbers in Florida have ever been anywhere close to accurate? Does anyone care that the same story we are chasing in New York has basically died in Florida even though the stories are similar and Covid-19 is still at a peak death rate nationwide?
Yes, the matter in
Florida is a bit dated, but it’s not much different from the claims in New York
and it surely deserves the same investigation that New York is getting, especially after the raid a few months ago on the home of the whistleblower. In my mind, this might have become a bigger story if it didn't happen under the previous DOJ. Yet, my mind is also telling me, rather loudly, that some of what WE are witnessing in this moment in time is a news media that thrived on the absurd and the sensational things that oozed from the pores of the past president's administration, and now it has developed an insatiable appetize for the cuisine.
Why Are Media Layoffs Finally Happening Now?
Locally and Nationally, newsrooms are seeing the announcement of the loss of staff every single day. But, why now? Covid-19 is the reason most are giving, but the virus has been around for over a year now and the layoffs for everyone else happened quite some time ago.
In my mind, the rather obvious truth is, president "what's his name" was just too good for business to trim all the fat he allowed for before the extra staff could finish covering his insurrection as well as that awkward send off he threw for himself before he flew away for the very last time taking his sensationalism and ratings with him.
I am writing this article that mentions president "what's his name" realizing, more people liked, shared or commented about the stuff I wrote as well for 4 years whenever I mentioned #45. For the sake of my own sense of integrity, I wrote less about president "what's his name" during the past two years because it was clear to me, if no one else, there was a double-edged sword involved with riding the coattail of the devil.
I also believe there was nothing really new to write about "what's his name" other than the one or two sentences of details of the newest moment of shame he was ushering US into while slithering away from it with the help of the GOP. I decided long ago, it's hard to call a clown a clown over and over again without eventually appearing somewhat clown'ish yourself, so I stepped away from the large amounts of face paint I too was wearing. Instead, I chose to post my one or two sentences on #45 in 144 word tweet format for the past two years, just so I could, at the least, vent along with everyone else while maintaining a sense of integrity.
Nonetheless, you can't spend that long away from writing about a person on purpose and suddenly forget such a concerted effort. So, if I must mention him, I have chosen to use his name sparingly or in code, to allow former president "what's his name" room to find whatever dark corner he promised before he promised he would be back in some form or fashion, trusting in his former promise and not his latter.
Before I write too much and have no choice but to mention the orange guy once again, I will close this piece by saying, despite all of the terrible things you said about him and his wife, Ted Cruz misses your ass right now like you wouldn't believe. Governor Cuomo does too, at least a little bit.
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