Senator Graham is a wise enough man to understand the negotiation game himself. His mischaracterization of Trump's rainy weather golf score is a sure sign of feeding the ego of a narcissist in the hopes of keeping him on task legislatively.
Graham is not only wise, he is tenured enough to recognize the impact of having a legislative majority and not doing a damn thing with it. Graham is recognizing that a war between Senator Bob Corker is a kiss of death to the Trumpian agenda, which is nothing more than being loved and getting his wealth repatriated to US soil. He also knows that wasting their majority is exactly the help Steve Bannon will need to unseat countless current GOP seat holders as Bannon has promised to do in the coming midterm elections.
The Russian investigation is closing in on every social media platform, Trump and his family, and on the fired help that are caught in the loop and look like potential pile-on problems if they chase after deals to cover their own tails.
If Trump hadn't spent so much time taking down Marco Rubio (little Marco), half the GOP including the war hero, every immigrant and the people who love them as well as women, blacks, LGBTQ's and the entire opposition to the Confederate flag flyers which includes his daughter and son-in-law, he might not be so desperate to catch a break from the news media.
Did I mention the media as another focal point of his incessant attacks? Add them too.
Trump is asking for a break and looking for allies when Confederate flag flyers are the only people he has been decent to, even though few of them work in Congress. Trump has never given the press a break so to ask for one is extremely bizarre. Not quite as bizarre as his recent golf outing with Senator Graham, but pretty close.
Apparently, I don't have the political chops of Lindsey Graham, or the golf handicap of Donald Trump, but I would give the tip of my pinky to be at that next golf outing.

Not only to see if he really is killing my best golf score by that much, but to see if he is really crumbling into isolated obscurity as he appears to be from a distance.
I might try to get a pack of those paper towels too.
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