Told you so!
We told you that stupid people who are as hate filled as the radicals who claim Islam would someday confuse the difference between radical Islam and regular Americans who are also Muslims. Now it is crucial- for those who don't want to hear this from me or the president- to rush to insure that we don't connect the UNC Chapel Hill murders with a hate crime. Despite various reports stating that the killer had repeatedly gone to the victims home with a gun to address various concerns, a concerted effort is being made to discredit these accounts.
Police and the wife of the killer have already moved to clear her husband, and taint the jury pool, with a quick press conference (organized by police) in which the killers wife insured America that her husband did not respond out of any particular hate for Muslims, but was infuriated by an ongoing parking dispute.
A parking dispute?
Are we to assume that this man was going to every door of every person in the apartment complex with gun in tow, using words of intimidation? Early reports do say that he was a feared person in the complex, but no non-Muslim neighbors have claimed the same intimidation that had repeatedly occurred with the three students.
According to CNN, "All three victims, Deah Barakat, 23, Yusor Abu-Salha, 21, and Razan Abu-Salha 19, were Muslim. And given their religion and comments the alleged shooter apparently left on a Facebook page, many social media users wondered what role the victims' faith may have played."
Accused murderer, Craig Stephen Hicks, 46. |
Anger over a parking dispute doesn't cost someone their lives without something deeper at work. Hicks clearly had something deeper at work and he is not alone in his sentiment. Where there is one Craig Hicks there are two who are convinced by the background noise they hear regarding radical Islam which helps to bolster the displaced hatred that they've long since espoused. If you need a reason to fear your neighbor, or an impetus to "deal" with the problem, today's media will foot the bill for you.
Critics of our president like to claim that he is simply afraid to call radical Islam by name. In actuality it's true. The president is afraid of saying Islam when describing radical killers, and Craig Stephen Hicks is the exact reason why. In his mind, Hicks probably thought he was doing something good for America in the long run and he probably only needs one juror who shares these FOX news fears and is sympathetic to the idea that regular citizens will have to do what FOX claims our president will not.
FOX and the fearful are dreadfully wrong on this one, but my hope remains on the notion that Hicks is an extremist', thus an exception- not the rule, and should be trivialized as an unlikely lone wolf that won't spark copy cat criminals and wasn't inspired by the fear of radical Islam.
When confronting evil and hate, Hope is always a part of the Strategy.
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