Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Immigration Reform Bill Being Blocked By Pure Politics

From the moment he stepped foot into office, it has been clear what the agenda against him has been. Hope he fails, help him fail and make any success look like a failure What does Obama's failure and America's success look like simultaneously? The picture has obstructionism at the core, but obstruction measures forgot to account for Obama's pen and phone.

John Boehner is none to pleased with the compromise to his power that the executive order creates. Modern obstructionist' seem to think obstructionism is a new and novel idea. Congressional inaction, of any kind, is the reason for the executive order and only congress, or the next president, can override them.

Ironically, the very power that Boehner believes Obama is taking from he and his cohorts is still firmly wrapped within the majority agreement design that used to embody his group.


Meanwhile, Mexico and its neighbors remain on the edge of destruction. Losing thousands of children is a recipe for disaster in the future of any nation. Even Japan is facing a desperate crossroad created by population reduction efforts of the past. People are the wealth of a nation, and America is not worse for the influx, we are only worse from the downward spiral we are silently allowing in South America. At some point, our silence becomes complicit. History shows that evil refuses to remain contained. Once South America loses its hope for the future, it becomes a nation of no consequences.  Terrorism could benefit from such an environment

This idea of presidential complicity seems to be the angle that angry Obama opponents are taking. Despite immigration being a very old problem, Obama has been accused of ushering in the next generation of democrats via immigration. If they are correct, disengaging the American job magnet which finances the coyote rings seems smarter than building a wall or turning the National Guard into full time border control agents.

Turned back migrants will try again and again. If staying home wasn't more risky than crossing the desert, no one would risk it. Clearly they must set out realizing that hundreds never make it alive. Yet, the alternative must be worse. Unless I am wrong, the National Guard will be stuck at the border forever.

Or, until we fix the real problem.  Comprehensive legislation (like the one Boehner is blocking) must be a part of our holistic approach to immigration reform. Save the bandaid, this bleeding is profuse.

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