Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Chris Christie Re-Declares His "Stick To The Story" Game Plan

It's okay. I can admit when I am in the presence of someone a whole lot smarter than me.  I've done it all of my life.  I grew up almost two years behind a brother who has a grasp for numbers and stuff that still freaks me out  at times.  Chris Christie reminds me of that brother.

My brother is a tough leader of men with abnormal capacity for information.  He served in the U.S. Army and was the same tough leader for our country as he was to me and my friends in the neighborhood.  Sometimes he also plotted mischief, which made him an early advocate of the brilliant mantra, "stick to the story".

Christie has played this incident like an absolute genius.  Whether he survives or not is a matter of how well he intimidated all of those whom he instructed to stick to the (expletive) story. For one or two of his crumbling inner circle, he certainly used tough language in that hour long meeting.  You know, the meeting in which he asked his team, and they lied to him.  I have a hunch that this was more than an hour, and the game plan was disseminated then.

To his credit, he did his best to save their jobs as long as he could. A brilliant lawyer doing mischievous stuff is certainly smart enough to insure sufficient deniability. When Christie performed the laugh it off press session, pretending that he himself placed a cone or two on the bridge, that was his last, best attempt to shield his team from damage and prepare for what happens if it didn't work.

As we all know now, it did not work and from current signs neither did his last press conference. How do I know?

I know because I was trained to know by a brilliant leader of men.  Christie would not have changed the story unless there was a reason for the story to change.  Stick to the story theory on a mass media level demands that you refer them back to the previous records and ignore all attempts to make you talk about it again.

When Christie found himself on radio, re-declaring that he knew nothing about this, he did so only because a horses was running Wild-stein.  David Wildstein was a Christie appointee to the Port Authority that runs the George Washington Bridge, but he is not in the inner circle , and he is not pleading the 5th (yet).   Whatever evidence he has on Christie is forcing him to talk.

At first Christie claimed almost no knowledge about Wildstein.  Now he seems to remember enough to  discredit him (CNN report). In the radio feed (above), you have to listen closely to the semantics of Christie's new declaration. It sounds like the facts remain the same, however, he would not be giving a new answer to the same old facts.  Wildstein is on the run and he needs immunity to hand over what he has on Christie. Christie, the brilliant lawyer, had already anticipated that Wildstein might break. The evidence is in  the new story.

The new story that he will stick to until further notice is that he"did not plan it, authorize it....he didn't know about it (which he repeats later)."  The new story that Christie needs to declare to all bloodhounds is that he did not approve it and he did not know......(the caveat)...BEFORE HAND.

He will convince us that they lied and he (Christie) began to check the facts a bit.  Wildstein must have an email of this fact checking mission.  Wildstein's email will show that Christie knew there was a real problem  but only because the governor needed to show evidence of an investigation.

Wildstein might even have evidence that he told Christie it was his team.  Christie will repeat  what he already said before.  I stood by my people until I had evidence to do otherwise.  Just because Wildstein said it didn't automatically make it true. He has to discredit Wildstein to justify the reason he ignored what Wildstein divulged.  The only thing that has changed now was whether or not he took Wildstein seriously, and did he do his own due diligence to uncover the source of this traffic jam.

In the scandal world this sounds like a major failure of leadership. But in the traffic jam world of say, New Jersey, he simply failed to figure out why there was a week long traffic jam in a town that has traffic jams all of the time.  This brilliant man is going to make you accuse him of not getting serious about a traffic jam problem  in New Jersey. In the end he will say guilty, and laugh his way to the front of the GOP pack.

Unless someone can't fully stick to the story.

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