Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Pajama Boy Joins The Obama Boogie As Latest Failures of ACA

I'm watching FOX with some conservative young people trying to explain why they don't think young people would be influenced by this video at all.

By the end of the interview Greta Van Susteran finally asks all three of the kids if they voted for Obama.  Now, of course they had not, but I think Greta was trying to look fair and balanced.

What she did not ask them is have they gone online to check on their own insurance and do they realize that they probably can get insurance free or highly subsidized?  She also did not ask if any of these kids stayed on their parents insurance as a result of Obamacare as well.   Of course, I didn't really expect her to ask them that, but she should at least have asked them could they dance and does the video offend them because of this inability or not.

Whether it is the Obama boogie or Pajama (boy) for Obama, it seems FOX not only wants to show you these new marketing plans for ObamaCare, they want to pay guest to come and explain why there is no way any of these marketing plans will ever get noticed.  Furthermore, they all seem to be convinced that no young person has ever had to go to the hospital.  If you have ever gone to the hospital without insurance, the need for this law is obvious, no matter how old you are.

Way to dizzy to be balanced.

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